What crashes your X?


Ok, we all know that it IS possible to crash an OS X mac.

But what do you normally do that causes it to crash?

I've crashed mine once, and that was by moving a CD to the trash and pressing the eject button on the keyboard at the same time :D :rolleyes:
For me I get a crash after playing Unreal Tournament preview 3 for about 30 minutes - the game freezes and sound loops and you can't force quit. I have had the same symptom with spiderman and bugdom in classic so it may be a OS bug or Radeon driver issue. Other more demanding games like giants and 4x4 evo are 100% stable.

I guess you could also count the PPP bug (random long hang when dialing with a modem) as after so many minutes of waiting it is worth restarting.

G4 450 Radeon AGP 1.5GB RAM 10.1.3

every game. Unreal X, Civ III, Baldur's Gate II, Age of Empires II, they all have crashed my system.
Nothing crashes my X. Honestly, since the official release of Mac OS X 10.0, my SYSTEM has not crashed once. Not once, and that's the triple truth, Ruth! (apologies to Spike Lee)
Bad 256MB RAM chip was crashing my system like you wouldn't belive!

Every now and then, especially when my computer goes to sleep with dialup connected it'll go zombie on me and I have to reset it.

Also Classic and using large files in Photoshop 6 will every now and then cause my computer to go zombie. I can usually recover from it, but every now and then I'm forced to reset. :(

I want Photoshop 7 & Illustrator 10 Dangit! :(

(And Broadband!!! :D )
Decoding some .avi files consistently crashes my OS X machine... hard. I don't know if it's the software I'm using or if the .avi's are poorly encoded, but some of them just totally screw everything up. I have ended up having the hit the Dreaded Little Button On The Side more than once.

Other than that, though, hmm, Diablo II crashed it once recently, but only when I ran it in OpenGL mode, and other than that nothing can stop me. :D

-the valrus
Nothing much now. For the past few months, maybe since 10.1.2 or 3, nothing much crashes the whole OS.

That doesn't count bad hardware - I had crummy RAM for a while, that would lock things up perfectly randomly sometimes, no connection at all to what I was doing.
using my agfa snapscan scanner as a plugin in classic Photoshop = instant kernel panic.
No major problems

One time I got a hang up that might have resolved if I had given it more time. I was logged in as >console and opening Xwindows by startx and I thought maybe by placing a -oroborOSX at the end I could get that window manager. I don't know if my computer was just thinking about it or if this was a big no no in the unix world but after 5 minutes I got impatient and restarted.
The only thing that crashed my computer was when I was trying to copy some files from my Windows XP computer running PC Maclan via Appletalk. I do this all the time, mount my windows volume on my Mac desktop and drag and drop my documents from the PC to my Mac. For some reason my Mac did not like talking to Windows that day and I got my first ever and only kernal panic to date.
Not sure if it's an hardware problem or what, but recently I've noticed that if I move my Pismo from one desk to another, or to the couch, then once in a while the mouse cursor would just freeze and I have to do a reset. Has anybody see this problem before?
Nothing so far. :D

I got some weird Finder results when I was in Photoshop (in Classic) and adjusting the color depth. But that was fixed by relaunching the Finder.

I did have an uptime of about 18 days, but then I rebooted to fsck. (Which I didn't need to do, btw -- filesystem was fine)

I crashed OmniWeb today by trying to clean out my TrashMail -- I mean Hotmail -- folder. Even that wasn't a big deal. I love OS X stability -- Windows would have been on its knees...
Classic + Modem connected = Kernel Panic.
Only had the prob on my new iMac thou, and a reboot and 2 quick 'fsck -y's later, the system's OK.
Waking from Sleep can sometimes just not happen on my Dual G4 500. Force restart is the only way out. Haven't been able to isolate why it happens. It doesn't happen very often. And apart from that nothing can crash it.

OS X is just the best for doing a million things at once!
Originally posted by MacNeato
Not sure if it's an hardware problem or what, but recently I've noticed that if I move my Pismo from one desk to another, or to the couch, then once in a while the mouse cursor would just freeze and I have to do a reset. Has anybody see this problem before?

Well, my sister's Toshiba 1800 Satellite says in the manual, "Make sure the system is completely shut down before moving."

I never take ny notice of this.. I use it for DJing (Ha, the spunky techno new age wintel (until I get my iBook) DJ :p ) and while DJing at home, I have been known to dance/jump around while using it ;)
Originally posted by Hypernate

I use it for DJing (Ha, the spunky techno new age wintel (until I get my iBook) DJ :p ) and while DJing at home, I have been known to dance/jump around while using it ;)

I thought I was the only one! :D
People where wondering why I brought a computer to the party ("Look at that geek" shesh! :D)

Even tho it was on a Wintel box (not about to put more abuse on my G4 Tower than I have to), it was cool. And once the kids figured out I was the DJ, they where all checking out all the MP3s (dual monitors would have been sweet). Too bad I didn't have a Broadband connection to download songs I didn't have on the fly! heh :)

Isn't it amazing how far technology has gone? I still remember helping my cousin unload a van and setup all his gear 10 years ago... Now it all fits in a car's trunk! Or if it's a Laptop - in a backpack! :D

Wintel DJs. Now I've seen everything. DJ from an accountant computer!? lol

Macs are well known for DJs. There's a whole G3 Powerbook Techno Band that was on TechTV once. 5 PowerBooks going into some sort of mixer thing. I know nothing about techno music creation so I'm not sure what the technical names were or what software they used, it was a pretty nice setup though.
I was | | that close to take my G4 tower to DJ with tho. :)

I defenatly felt I needed two computers minimum tho.

It was actually being fed into a Mixer and into some huge speakers (and all I could think was "MAN this would be SWEET to game!" LOL) - but nothing to mix with, so I was mostly using it to control the tone and volume.

I can defeantly see using a few Powerbooks or iBooks. Connected via LAN (Airport?) to a server where all the MP3s are. :)