What difference does Quartz 2D Extreme make if you turn it on?

done it. i was wondering how to "relaunch" exposé so it would Q2DX it.
, but thats sorted me out. i don't need the debug running now, ever, do i?

i've booted into a q2dx environment. seems ok. i'm guessing, however, that the real change will be in cpu stuff (rendering vectors in illustrator, video editing), with the CPU not bothering itself with rendering the pretty GUI

*safari windows are very snappy now, almost completely keeping with the cursor....

[edit] exposé is slightly slower in this environment... :( ah well.
So do I have to launch Quartz Debug each time I boot up or if I launch Quartz Debug once and turn it on it will stay on until I open it again and turn it off?
open up quartz debug. enable 2d extreme. press option+alt+esc to force quit the debug app. it'll confuse it, and it'll stay on permanently, even after you reboot. that's right isn't it? it works for me. after that you never really have to run the debug again, and if you do, you must remember to force quit it, as quitting it will turn it off on reboot.

one thing i have noticed is that when i'm windows resizing, or exposé-ing or other graphicy things, i can hear something doing something inside my tower now.
its like a "zstzstzszzzsttzs" noise as it's calculating. i think this may be the gpu i can hear.
both. Quartz Extreme replaced the quartz compositor (in jaguar) which worked out what to do with the data Quartz 2D gave it, and now quartz 2d has been/is being replaced by quartz 2d extreme.

two seperate programs/api's working together in symbiosis
Well, I would hope it accelerates all 2D operations, running Xbench I noticed even my OpenGL scores are a bit higher than with it disabled. My Quartz scores almost doubled. The GUI is noticably more responsive to me. I left it enabled with:

"sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver \Quartz2DExtremeEnabled -boolean YES"
I've just run a few simulations on Matlab and one of them generated 60 graphs. While compiling wxWidgets in the background, I hit Shift+F9 to trigger Expose. Even with being under heavy load with loads of windows open (70+), the effect is still smooth! Awesome :).
I exported a Keynote 2 slideshow to a PDF -file with Quartz 2D Extreme
enabled. There were # marks instead of space (I guess #2D; I did not study
it much) like when you try to export a Flash file from Keynote 2. I removed
the com.apple.windowserver.plist file and rebooted. Now the PDF file was

So, no Quartz 2D Extreme for me :(