what do you do with your mac?


what industries do you guys utilize your mac for? media, programming, etc etc... or do you guys have a mac for your own leisure? anything, just post it here. it be cool to see the broad outlook on mac users
Web Design, Graphic Design, Digital Services (document creation - postcards, business cards, flyers, etc.), Internet, leisure....really about everything I do. Even makes a nice radio w/iTunes.
Mine is part of our Photography & Design studio. Used for image editing/correction/restoration and some small video products.

I also use it as a quasi stereo system and TV in my office...

Oh yeah, and for enjoying the hell out of normal everyday computing stuff! :D
I use my Mac at home for Video, Photograpy, Music, Recording, server and the regular stuff like browsing, email and productivity

On my wih list: watch TV on it and use it as a home based music/video streaming server (via airport)
To charge for your phone calls (cell phones mostly, nowadays)

Or, at least, to prepare the software to do that.
My uses really vary. I do like to play with audio and video editing, as well as graphics stuff. All that it stirctly amateur crap for myself. :) Otherwise, it is now my everyday machine at home, and I do treat it as a Unix box. I always have a terminal open.
email, browsing, IM'ing, listening to music, watch DVD / DivX, and sometimes some geeking in the terminal.

just normal home use :p
Java and web programming, some photo editing, about to get into video editing, and e-mail and surfing of course.

Graphic Design, Web Design, Multimedia, Video Editing, Record keeping, Number Crunching, Web Surfing, Research, Audio Recording, and of course, the occassional game of Oni or ST:Voyager Elite Force...
Web Design, Photography, maintaining a video library, maintaining a music library, java programming, email, internet, playing WarCraft III, playing with that megaseg DJ software, showing off ^_^.
Surfing the web, iTunes, chat and i use Photoshop (began using it from PS4), just for fun :) .

(all with os x)

I'm a media student. right now I'm getting familiar with Photoshop(been getting familiar with it since 5.0, but now I can do something with it) and I'm planning to learn GoLive or DreamWeaver. But I usually just use the ac for amusement. I play games, I listen to music, I surf the web and I chat...I just find that easier to do on a Mac than on a PC.. *proud to own a Mac*
Use my Dual Gig Workstation for HTML, PHP, JavaScripting, Fireworks, Internet, iTunes, etc...

Use my Dual Gig Server for Apache, Filemaker Pro, SMB, Quicktime Server.

Use several Dual Gig Workstation for Classroom use with a multi user interface that allows a person to choose b/w booting into X or VPC with Windows.:D
I Use Digital Performer with a 2408 Audio interface
and a tascam digital mixer.
All on a G4 400 APG
I get alot of songs from Nashville to work on i play my Guitar parts
and send it back and thay Fly in my parts
Thanks for asking
There average stuff a Mac is meant to be used for. iMovie, iPhoto, email, surfing the net, playing the occassional game and plowing through TONS of MS Office files for school work. Oh yeah, and listening to MP3's and burning CD's!
...working hours, even days without crashing! :D

Or even sitting next to the computer for hours without saying a bad word at it or cursing in general! :p

Looking at it for tens of minutes just to realize that it is a computer and not some kind work of art! ;)

Petting & kissing it when my dog is not in the same room... :eek:

And when it is time to go to work I hate myself for working as a PC tech person but then I realize that I can get my iBook (soon a TiBook too ;) ) with me at work or even that I am DAMN lucky to eat other apples at work too! In general I am DAMN lucky for having a farm full of apples in my work and life too!

After all one apple each and every day makes the doctor go away!!! :D