What do you think about my site?


I'm just finished with the new design on my portfolio site. It's very simple without any fancy effects and I may add some flash later... What do you think?
Hey! That's a cool site man! But can I suggest one thing? On the logo...it looks simplistic and very blurry! You should get that fixed, because the key to corporate success lies in first impressions, and the logo is always the thing to be viewed first! :)
I also get that TK pop-up. I do not like .TK anymore. They do some funky stuff with the frames.

BTW trip... that is the best Avatar I have ever seen :)
ok, i've fixed the pop-up now
it's not there anymore
nummi: i've never had any problems with frames (i don't use frames on my site though)
So any more comments?:)
Download Slackass 6 here

Link Doesn't Work.... I really wanna see it! :D

Edit: None of your other downloadable links work either.... looks like a good site, i just wanna see some cool stuff!
Domain name registration (Step 1 of 5)

Your domain name: SLACKMEDIA.TK

This domain name SLACKMEDIA.TK is still available and you can register it now!

Dot TK offers two ways of registration:

FREE Registration. By going through our easy registration process you can register your own Dot TK domain name for your own website. You don't need any technical know-how. You don't need any additional servers or services, such as a Domain Name Server. The only thing you need is the URL of your current website and your Dot TK will work directly after the registration process! Registration of FREE domain names are subject to the Registration Terms and Conditions. Note that FREEDOMAIN.TK domain names are never legally licensed to the registrant.

Buy your domain name. If you want to obtain the license rights for your domain name, run your own Domain Name Server and also use your Dot TK domain for other services and hostnames, we offer you a registration for just USD 9.95 per year. We accept both VISA and Mastercard credit cards for this type of registration.

Um.. what the??