What does your 'digital-hub' look like?


Barking at the moon.
I like checkin' out other people's rigs all setup, if you've got a digicam (or whatever) take a pic of what your personal digital hub looks like! And give a description of what we're looking at. By 'digital hub' I mean, your Mac, MP3 and/or CD player, camcorders, cell phones, all that techy crap that you absolutely must have for your digital lifestyle. :p

I'd start off, but I'm in the middle of my sociology lecture right now, so I'll trow mine up once I get home.
I love talking about my setup as much as you like looking at it! Here goes... the image is the best angle, but not the best lighting, so....

A few things to note:
1) the desk is a totally different color, very warm red-orange normally, I guess the flash made it browner...
2) The flash reflected off of the screen in an odd way.
3) My Visor screen looks a lot better IRL :)

So here it is...
1) Playing center stage is my LCD iMac with an 800-MHz G4 and SuperDrive. This is the angle I usually keep my screen at; flat panel tilted about 5 degrees up, base arm tilted about 75 degrees.
2) I use the Apple Pro Keyboard (in the pull-out drawer) and a Logitech Dual Optical mouse (three buttons + scroll wheel button, two lasers instead of one).
3) Left of the iMac: my iPod (currently completely full at 949 songs), my Handspring Visor Prism in its cradle (I LOVE this thing!), a glass of something or other, a crystal sphere (which you really can't appreciate from this shot, as it changes literally every second of the day with the changing light) and a hefty stack of blank CDs (TDKs look great, feel great, and work great).
4) In the back is what I think the coolest-looking internet system ever (vertical stuff rocks!): the black slab is my DSL modem, at 1.5 MBps (realistic speeds around 80-130k/s--pretty cool, huh?) and the white slab is my Belkin DSL Router connected to my dad's G4/400 tower on the other side of the wall.
5) On the right side, you see the other Apple Pro Speaker (which is boosted by a beautiful iSub on the floor), my Wacom Graphire2 Tablet, and my scanner, a Canon N650U. Far off to the right is my guitar case, and you can't see my keyboard or stereo from here.

So, that's the tour. . .
I guess I could have cleaned up a little. Oh Well.

Only 2 things did not make into the picture.

1) JVC digital camcorder
2) Olympus D510 digital camera


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OK, it worked this time. Here's my room with my LCD iMac... sorry for the delay.


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Bluefusion, I ENVY YOU! ipod, imac, visor... and other stuff. Your computer desktop is really messy, you should really clean all those files up :)
Yeah, the reason all the files are there is because I accidentally set the desktop as the download folder for a LONG night of mp3s and other downloads... grrr now I have to clean them all up.

I'll post another pic when it's a nice clean desktop again :)
mine's messier than Blue Fusion's and not very digital, there's my iMac at one end (more of a table than desk) duo dock at the over, my bro's school books, a ton of wires, books and CDs (on top of my scanner). but no space for anything else. Still the OS X desktop makes up for that, and is cleaner than Blue Fusion's.
Originally posted by PCSMASHER
How do you manage to keep you chair on the wall like that?:confused:

ah... seeing how i have a high level of RDF (thanks to steve jobs) that I have seemed to make everthing turn clockwise!

isn't it great!
Alright, alright, I cleaned it up. :P Now I have a new desktop pic, and the stuff is all straightened up now. It looks MUCH better.

I also got a new printer in today, and moved some stuff around. Here's a much more current shot of my work area.

Additions: Canon S300 printer on the right, (the best-kept secret in the industry, I'll tell ya), Pentax K1000 35-mm camera on top of the scanner, iSub moved on top of the table because it looks so cool up there even if it doesn't work quite as well...



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My digihub looks like:
USB -- to newton
USB -- to gamepad
USB -- to Optical mouse
USB -- to iPaq
Firewire -- to external storage
Audio out -- to Stereo System
SCSI -- to CD-RW

under idea conditions:
IrDA -- to Cellphone
Bluetooth -- to iPaq
Bluetooth -- to cell phone
Monitor out -- to 23" cinematic
internal -- DVD-R
Audio out (soundblaster) -- to a better stereo
USB -- to TV tuner
Yeah... man, I like it more every time I see it :) It really was designed to be shown off this way—just sort of "Hello, I'm here" kind of presence in the room...

So now you guys know exactly what my computer area looks like, so you can remember it whenever I post :D
I am not sure how to post single images. I guess I'll have to look into that...

Anyway. Here 'tis: http://homepage.mac.com/nkuvu/PhotoAlbum2.html

Yes, that is my whole digital life. To the right of the lovely iMac, you can see my useless parallel connecting Zip drive. To the right of that, my large paperweight. :( HP LaserJet 1100, with parallel-to-USB cable, but no drivers for OS X. Just under the desk you can see my old Win2K box. Lovely thing, isn't it? I still have to find a place for it. Our house is short on storage, as you can probably tell by the box stuffed under the desk.

I have a PAA that is not in this pic -- I left it at work. Uh, PAA == personal analog assistant. One of those strange non-technical organizers. You know, paper? Maybe you've heard of it... :)

I'm almost a Luddite outside of my computer -- no PDA, no cell phone, no pager, heck I don't even normally carry a watch. At least I save money on batteries. :D I did forget to take a pic of my Rio 600, but oh well.

This pic taken with an HP 318xi -- just like the kind you got for free if you bought your iMac before the end of December. Strangely enough, my roommate bought her iMac just before the end of December, and got this digital camera in the mail a few weeks later... :)
nkuvu: I wish I had your iMac. :) I've been meaning to ask you, are you an U of A alumnis? I won't hold it against you if you are... since you're like the only other person from AZ on these boards. (Welcome, BTW!)
Actually no, I'm an alumni of Western Washington University. That's Washington state. Just to be specific and not because I expect anyone here to know where it is, WWU is in Bellingham, about 90 miles north of Seattle.