what is up with the last two messages here? let's take a look? anybody noticing anything "odd" about them? hmmm, i wonder. OH YEAH! there it is! ivtrk feels like throwing a lil "low-blow" at someone's opinion which, in fact, is totally uncalled for. this is a message board for everybody, thus for everybody's opinion to be sent in. so please no comments like "stop yer bitching". that's just...uhm...childish? but there it comes!! round 2 and whitesaint swings the cross of the holy institution around like a two handed sword!? now now, that's just as uncalled for. this is a MAC OS X bulletin, NOT *let me repeat that one please, i give in to the illusion it makes my point come across more vividly* NOT a "religious belief" bulletin. so if anything should be "recited" from the holy book of bul..errr..wisdom...it should be: if someone slaps ya on the cheek, smile and offer the other one? so no "firing back" either. none of that ridiculous behaviour please. look at what you two have done! wasted three placeholders for message for this crap. ivtrk's 1st, then whitesaint's answer, and here i am. losing my droppings over this, too! arrrghhh...oh demon's from hell. what arest thou doing to us? we're all just trying to get the best from our OS? so let's look at it like this. Mac OS rules. has always ruled and Mac OS X..is...kinda like....in a land of Operation Systems..Mac OS X is king? can i say that without getting sued?

so open your eyes my blind, wild tempered sheep. Give each other the hug of brotherly macintosh love and as your hand's are united in a firm grip, nod slightly and whisper the words of infinite wisdom and power:
Mac OS X
nuff from me....and nuff with this bullshit.
and hey!! dont point at me!! just trying to nip it in the bud!
The Kind Of Irons hast spoken, all bowst thy heads.