I posted something like this a few weeks back, and after exploring my mac a little more and using some of the responses that I got, here is the revised edition. I would appreciate any feedback. BTW, sorry its so long. I really would appreciate 5 minutes of your time to read this and give me some feedback. Who knows, maybe it will get back to Apple and we will some revisions. Also, if you have anything to add to this list, please do.
I am a new convert to mac a few months ago, where I was previously a windows user. Though I love mac, there are a few things that I dont like about it. I really did have to think hard and actually search for things that I didnt like about my mac, and thats saying something, but here they are. (sigh).
What I dont like about my iBook G4:
- Narrow hardware support. I have had 2 scanner/copier/fax/printers, and neither of them has worked with mac. They have been recognized by mac, but the drivers could not be found or downloaded. From what I hear, even if they had been found, many of their features would not have worked (like the scanner). I know that it is usually the hardware manufacturers fault that they dont work on mac because they dont supply the drivers, and I know that there are programs you can buy to make your scanner work, but the basic fact is that if a guy has a printer and it works great on windows and then just plain doesnt work on mac, he has a problem with it. He doesnt care why it doesnt work, just that it doesnt. If the hardware support could somehow be improved, it would help people switch to macs more easily.
- I really miss on windows when you would plug anything in, windows would immediately recognize that you had done so, tell you what it was that you plugged in, and automatically install it for you, all the while telling you what it was doing. Even if there was a problem with the hardware, at least the computer told you about it. I really wish that macs had a feature like this.
- I have gotten used to it, but a big turn-off for some of my friends that have messed with my iBook is its lack of a right click mouse button. I dont know if there is a good solution to this, but does anyone know if Apple is planning on doing something about this? Are macs going to start having right mouse buttons?
- Doesnt play nice with non-quicktime video files. When I try to use an outside mpeg video file, sometimes it wont import, and the other times it has no sound when it is imported.
- changing the length of photos on the timeline is overcomplicated. Sometimes it wont let you drag the size bigger or smaller on the timeline, and imovie puts a limit on how big (long) you can make a photo
- it would be nice to be able to have an extra video and audio track (especially video)
Audio / Video Chat:
This isnt apples fault, and its not that big of a deal, but as far as I know, there is no multi-protocol chat client that supports voice chat and / or video chat. Adium is great, but I cant use my nifty built-in microphone. I know, Im getting kind of specific, but I was saddened when I couldnt find one for the mac (trillian and gaim do this for windows, as far as I know (at least the audio chat) correct me if Im wrong)
Maybe I just have a lower-end laptop (iBook G4) or have been mistreating my battery somehow, but I have read up on it a bit, and tried to treat my iBooks battery right and I still cant seem to get more then 2:30 3:00 hours of battery life out of it. the box it came in said it would get 5-6 hours. now, granted, I am usually using my airport, listening to music with iTunes, surfing on Firefox, and have a couple little programs running in the background (quicksilver, adium,) but still shouldnt I be getting around 4 hours most of the time? does anyone else have this kind of problem? I have turned off my airport when Im not using it, turned off Bluetooth, and reduced my screen contrast to around 50%. Any other suggestions?
Hardware plugins:
Not really something I dont like about my iBook, just something that would be nice. I could always use one or two more USB 2.0 slots, and I wish that apple put a plugin to be able to show your screen on a TV or something, without having to buy a separate special mac cable.
Great photo program, but there are a few features that programs like Picasa (Google for Windows) can do that I wish iPhoto could. Also, some of my suggestions pertain to using photos on a mac, not iPhoto itself.
- iPhoto doesnt store ratings, keywords, or comments in the photo itself. If you have to re-import your photos for some reason (there are a lot of reasons that I can think of) then you lose all of your rating, comment, and keyword info. I dont think that it would be too hard to somehow permanently store this in the photos themselves, seeing that they store the title, date, pixels, maker and model of camera, as well as tons of exposure information.
- not being able to view what photos are on your camera and being able to be more selective regarding which photos you import, instead of only being able to import all or none of the photos, and not being able to see what the photos are before you import them off of the camera.
- as far as I know, cameras that use SecureDigital memory cards do not mount as disks, while cameras that use Memory Stick memory cards will mount. This really bugs me. Do CompactFlash memory cards mount as disks?
- it bugs me that there arent some basic options in iPhoto that will let you do the things that the program preview will let you do, such as easily zoom in on the picture (you can do this, but only in edit mode, and it could be improved), show the photo full screen (the only way to do this is to make a slideshow), etc.
- I greatly dislike the way that iphoto sorts photos in the actual folders. It does it first by year, then by one or two or three folders with seemingly random numbers on them, then the photo title. I want, like in itunes, to be able to create folders and sort my photos in different ways so that they directly correspond to the folders in the actual photos/iphoto library folder. I want to be able to easily navigate my photos when I am not using the iphoto program. (see picasa as an example).
- Much the same as iPhoto, I think that my only problem with iTunes is that doesnt store my song ratings inside the songs tag itself. I end up moving my music around a lot, and this is a must for me. I dont think that it would be too hard to store the rating, even If it had to be stored in the comments folder like the soundcheck volume setting.
- I also think that their video section could use some improvement. I cant recall any specifics, but I tried using iTunes to arrange my video database, and finally gave up after a couple of weeks.
- I know that Apple / iTunes probably cant do anything about it because of the music industry, but I would love to see the copy music from ipod to computer option come back to iTunes. It is a bit of a hassle trying to find a third-party program to do it for you.
- I cant seem to get universal shortcuts to work for iTunes. (using cmd - → or something like that to change a song, even when itunes isnt selected) am I just stupid or do they not have these / they dont work?
- There is no button to be able to add a new to do item.
Except for using the keyboard shortcut cmd k there seems to be no good way to add a to-do item.
- there has to be a way to have iCals dock icon show the current date even when iCal isnt open. I had a fake windows version of the dock on my windows machine, and even It showed the current date. If I am mistaken and this isnt easily possible, please explain why.
Address Book:
- not a very big deal, but it would be nice if, in address book, when you scrolled to a contact that has a picture, you would be able to click on the picture and get a enlarged version of it (those pictures are kinda small). Right now, you can click the edit button the contact and then when you double click on the picture it brings up a window that you can edit the picture in, but I just think it would be nice if you could also do it the other way. What I am thinking of is very similar to the iTunes artwork. If you click on it it opens a separate windows with the full size image of the artwork.
DVD Player:
- You are unable to limit and password protect what ratings / content that can be viewed using DVD Player
- it would be nice to be able to change some of the aspects of the dock (such as the color / opacity of the background rectangle of the dock, be able to have multiple docks, etc.
- I know that mac strives to keep it simple, but it would be nice to have a few more options on many of the programs and system (maybe an advanced features option that is more difficult to find / mess with unless you know what you are doing). See above point for an example of extra features / options that I would like to see in some of the programs.
- when some of my windows friends have messed with my computer it has bugged them that when you closed a program with the red circle (comparable to the x button in windows) it would not close the program, like it does in windows. I dont know if there is a good solution to this, but I thought I would put it out there anyway.
- is there anything on the mac that is comparable to a shortcut on windows?
- Ive noticed that when I try to change certain system settings, or open certain programs, I need to input my administrator password to do it. I like this, but I want to be able to do it for things like individual programs, folders and documents. I dont want to simply remove acess to them (I know how to do that), but instead I would like someone to be able to acess it if they know the password. Is there a way to do this?
- it is not a requirement, but it would be nice to be able to change some of the aspects of the GUI (colors, sizes, fonts, themes, etc) without the need of a third party program.
- very minor thing, but at the login screen, I have a list of different profiles. When I click on the profile I want to log into, the rest fade away and my profile moves to the center. I have noticed that when my profile moves to the center it is quite choppy, not nearly as smooth as I have come to appreciate from the Mac GUI. I know, its kind of petty, but I might as well throw it in while im at it.
That really is everything I can think of that I dont like about mac. and I strained on a couple of them. That truly is amazing. the list would never end if I did one of these for windows. it would also never end if I did one on the things that I love about mac. Again, I appreciate any input and responses. Even if It is just rip apart something I said or correct me
I decided that I cant spend all that time and space ragging on macs without a short list at the end saying the things I love most about my mac:
It is pretty:
- I have looked for any ugliness in Macs, and even during startup and reformatting your hard drive, the Mac looks nice. I love the smooth transitions, soft glows and shadows, and cool effects. In this aspect you totally blow windows away.
- how simple and easy everything is. Mac is made to be a personal computer. It is intuitive and easy to use. I love it.
Powerful Free Programs:
- I love all the free programs that macs come with. From iPhoto, to iTunes, to address book, to iCal, to iMovie, to Garage band, they are all incredible programs that would make any windows user jealous.
- Before I bought a mac, I heard about how safe, smooth and stable they were, which is one of their major draws. They act like quality machines. I can now say, firsthand, how great and stable my mac is. I love it. I love how well the OS and the hardware work together. After using a windows machine for a little while, it nearly drove me crazy.
Great GUI:
- I love how simple and usable the Macs user interface is. From the menus to the dock, to the finder, it is wonderful. I love having my CDs and harddrives and anything else show up on the desktop, and then be able to eject it by either a simple eject button that is placed in the corner of the keyboard, or by dragging it to the trash.
I could go on for a while, but this post is plenty long already.
I am a new convert to mac a few months ago, where I was previously a windows user. Though I love mac, there are a few things that I dont like about it. I really did have to think hard and actually search for things that I didnt like about my mac, and thats saying something, but here they are. (sigh).
What I dont like about my iBook G4:
- Narrow hardware support. I have had 2 scanner/copier/fax/printers, and neither of them has worked with mac. They have been recognized by mac, but the drivers could not be found or downloaded. From what I hear, even if they had been found, many of their features would not have worked (like the scanner). I know that it is usually the hardware manufacturers fault that they dont work on mac because they dont supply the drivers, and I know that there are programs you can buy to make your scanner work, but the basic fact is that if a guy has a printer and it works great on windows and then just plain doesnt work on mac, he has a problem with it. He doesnt care why it doesnt work, just that it doesnt. If the hardware support could somehow be improved, it would help people switch to macs more easily.
- I really miss on windows when you would plug anything in, windows would immediately recognize that you had done so, tell you what it was that you plugged in, and automatically install it for you, all the while telling you what it was doing. Even if there was a problem with the hardware, at least the computer told you about it. I really wish that macs had a feature like this.
- I have gotten used to it, but a big turn-off for some of my friends that have messed with my iBook is its lack of a right click mouse button. I dont know if there is a good solution to this, but does anyone know if Apple is planning on doing something about this? Are macs going to start having right mouse buttons?
- Doesnt play nice with non-quicktime video files. When I try to use an outside mpeg video file, sometimes it wont import, and the other times it has no sound when it is imported.
- changing the length of photos on the timeline is overcomplicated. Sometimes it wont let you drag the size bigger or smaller on the timeline, and imovie puts a limit on how big (long) you can make a photo
- it would be nice to be able to have an extra video and audio track (especially video)
Audio / Video Chat:
This isnt apples fault, and its not that big of a deal, but as far as I know, there is no multi-protocol chat client that supports voice chat and / or video chat. Adium is great, but I cant use my nifty built-in microphone. I know, Im getting kind of specific, but I was saddened when I couldnt find one for the mac (trillian and gaim do this for windows, as far as I know (at least the audio chat) correct me if Im wrong)
Maybe I just have a lower-end laptop (iBook G4) or have been mistreating my battery somehow, but I have read up on it a bit, and tried to treat my iBooks battery right and I still cant seem to get more then 2:30 3:00 hours of battery life out of it. the box it came in said it would get 5-6 hours. now, granted, I am usually using my airport, listening to music with iTunes, surfing on Firefox, and have a couple little programs running in the background (quicksilver, adium,) but still shouldnt I be getting around 4 hours most of the time? does anyone else have this kind of problem? I have turned off my airport when Im not using it, turned off Bluetooth, and reduced my screen contrast to around 50%. Any other suggestions?
Hardware plugins:
Not really something I dont like about my iBook, just something that would be nice. I could always use one or two more USB 2.0 slots, and I wish that apple put a plugin to be able to show your screen on a TV or something, without having to buy a separate special mac cable.
Great photo program, but there are a few features that programs like Picasa (Google for Windows) can do that I wish iPhoto could. Also, some of my suggestions pertain to using photos on a mac, not iPhoto itself.
- iPhoto doesnt store ratings, keywords, or comments in the photo itself. If you have to re-import your photos for some reason (there are a lot of reasons that I can think of) then you lose all of your rating, comment, and keyword info. I dont think that it would be too hard to somehow permanently store this in the photos themselves, seeing that they store the title, date, pixels, maker and model of camera, as well as tons of exposure information.
- not being able to view what photos are on your camera and being able to be more selective regarding which photos you import, instead of only being able to import all or none of the photos, and not being able to see what the photos are before you import them off of the camera.
- as far as I know, cameras that use SecureDigital memory cards do not mount as disks, while cameras that use Memory Stick memory cards will mount. This really bugs me. Do CompactFlash memory cards mount as disks?
- it bugs me that there arent some basic options in iPhoto that will let you do the things that the program preview will let you do, such as easily zoom in on the picture (you can do this, but only in edit mode, and it could be improved), show the photo full screen (the only way to do this is to make a slideshow), etc.
- I greatly dislike the way that iphoto sorts photos in the actual folders. It does it first by year, then by one or two or three folders with seemingly random numbers on them, then the photo title. I want, like in itunes, to be able to create folders and sort my photos in different ways so that they directly correspond to the folders in the actual photos/iphoto library folder. I want to be able to easily navigate my photos when I am not using the iphoto program. (see picasa as an example).
- Much the same as iPhoto, I think that my only problem with iTunes is that doesnt store my song ratings inside the songs tag itself. I end up moving my music around a lot, and this is a must for me. I dont think that it would be too hard to store the rating, even If it had to be stored in the comments folder like the soundcheck volume setting.
- I also think that their video section could use some improvement. I cant recall any specifics, but I tried using iTunes to arrange my video database, and finally gave up after a couple of weeks.
- I know that Apple / iTunes probably cant do anything about it because of the music industry, but I would love to see the copy music from ipod to computer option come back to iTunes. It is a bit of a hassle trying to find a third-party program to do it for you.
- I cant seem to get universal shortcuts to work for iTunes. (using cmd - → or something like that to change a song, even when itunes isnt selected) am I just stupid or do they not have these / they dont work?
- There is no button to be able to add a new to do item.
Except for using the keyboard shortcut cmd k there seems to be no good way to add a to-do item.
- there has to be a way to have iCals dock icon show the current date even when iCal isnt open. I had a fake windows version of the dock on my windows machine, and even It showed the current date. If I am mistaken and this isnt easily possible, please explain why.
Address Book:
- not a very big deal, but it would be nice if, in address book, when you scrolled to a contact that has a picture, you would be able to click on the picture and get a enlarged version of it (those pictures are kinda small). Right now, you can click the edit button the contact and then when you double click on the picture it brings up a window that you can edit the picture in, but I just think it would be nice if you could also do it the other way. What I am thinking of is very similar to the iTunes artwork. If you click on it it opens a separate windows with the full size image of the artwork.
DVD Player:
- You are unable to limit and password protect what ratings / content that can be viewed using DVD Player
- it would be nice to be able to change some of the aspects of the dock (such as the color / opacity of the background rectangle of the dock, be able to have multiple docks, etc.
- I know that mac strives to keep it simple, but it would be nice to have a few more options on many of the programs and system (maybe an advanced features option that is more difficult to find / mess with unless you know what you are doing). See above point for an example of extra features / options that I would like to see in some of the programs.
- when some of my windows friends have messed with my computer it has bugged them that when you closed a program with the red circle (comparable to the x button in windows) it would not close the program, like it does in windows. I dont know if there is a good solution to this, but I thought I would put it out there anyway.
- is there anything on the mac that is comparable to a shortcut on windows?
- Ive noticed that when I try to change certain system settings, or open certain programs, I need to input my administrator password to do it. I like this, but I want to be able to do it for things like individual programs, folders and documents. I dont want to simply remove acess to them (I know how to do that), but instead I would like someone to be able to acess it if they know the password. Is there a way to do this?
- it is not a requirement, but it would be nice to be able to change some of the aspects of the GUI (colors, sizes, fonts, themes, etc) without the need of a third party program.
- very minor thing, but at the login screen, I have a list of different profiles. When I click on the profile I want to log into, the rest fade away and my profile moves to the center. I have noticed that when my profile moves to the center it is quite choppy, not nearly as smooth as I have come to appreciate from the Mac GUI. I know, its kind of petty, but I might as well throw it in while im at it.
That really is everything I can think of that I dont like about mac. and I strained on a couple of them. That truly is amazing. the list would never end if I did one of these for windows. it would also never end if I did one on the things that I love about mac. Again, I appreciate any input and responses. Even if It is just rip apart something I said or correct me
I decided that I cant spend all that time and space ragging on macs without a short list at the end saying the things I love most about my mac:
It is pretty:
- I have looked for any ugliness in Macs, and even during startup and reformatting your hard drive, the Mac looks nice. I love the smooth transitions, soft glows and shadows, and cool effects. In this aspect you totally blow windows away.
- how simple and easy everything is. Mac is made to be a personal computer. It is intuitive and easy to use. I love it.
Powerful Free Programs:
- I love all the free programs that macs come with. From iPhoto, to iTunes, to address book, to iCal, to iMovie, to Garage band, they are all incredible programs that would make any windows user jealous.
- Before I bought a mac, I heard about how safe, smooth and stable they were, which is one of their major draws. They act like quality machines. I can now say, firsthand, how great and stable my mac is. I love it. I love how well the OS and the hardware work together. After using a windows machine for a little while, it nearly drove me crazy.
Great GUI:
- I love how simple and usable the Macs user interface is. From the menus to the dock, to the finder, it is wonderful. I love having my CDs and harddrives and anything else show up on the desktop, and then be able to eject it by either a simple eject button that is placed in the corner of the keyboard, or by dragging it to the trash.
I could go on for a while, but this post is plenty long already.