What If You Want To Remove The Imap Email?


Here are two questions I can't find answers to.

1) I'm switching hosts and I've already set up an old email address with the new host. All is working fine. So, here's my question and it's probably obvious, but I can't find the answer. Unlike POP, the email once downloaded isn't removed from the server. In IMAP, will the email disappear from my computer if I remove my hosting account? I know, pretty obvious, but I'm assuming that since I've downloaded them, I can't get them back if something goes wrong; but I just want to make sure, unlike a web site when you move from host to host, that the emails won't disappear from view.

2) And, how long does the email stay on the old server after I've canceled my contract with that host? There are 7,840 of them.

And we won't even talk about GMAIL. :-)

Thanks in advance.
If you have terminated your account with the old host, you may or may not be able to get your old emails off their web mail site. It all depends on the agreement you have with them. Some ISP’s will still allow you to keep your email, some don’t. Those emails that you have in Mail on your Mac should still be there as long as you do not delete the account. You can make the account inactive in Mail preferences. It won’t get new mail, but your emails will stay in Mail.
So, if I have an IMAP account and I've used Apple mail to view those mails, and I've got those downloaded, I delete the account with the host, you're saying the mail will disappear from the folders on my computer where I have downloaded them?
If you delete the account from Apple’s Mail, all emails will disappear. If you make that account in-active (keeping the account still listed), the emails will stay in Apple’s Mail app.
And when I change hosts all the mail will disappear, regardless of whether the account is in-active or active, correct? Unless, I understand, that it is all saved "On the Mac."
If you keep the account in Mail and just uncheck the Enable this Account, all those emails in Mail for the ‘old’ host should still be in Mail.

If you want to be extra safe, then save those emails. Highlight the emails in question, then select Save As. You can create a folder just for the purpose. Mail will save them in .rtf - rich text format.