What does really annoy you when you surf? ( maybe those of us who make web pages can get some hints from results. )
My annyoances:
- sites that require flash or you can't see any content
- sites in flash that don't give the "skip animation"
- sites in flash that don't offer static html for faster browsing (seriously, if i want entertainment i go to movies)
- sites in flash that are slow. everyone does not have dsl, so if it takes time on a 28 k modem, i get bored in dsl
- sites that use flash "only to use flash", so when they would have been able to a lot faster and functional, easy to navigate site on static html, but chose to use average flash instead of good html
- sites that have an unrequested pop-up in the main url, thus if you don't allow unrequested pop-ups you can't see it (and then no "nothing happens? click")
- sites that open a new page with huge dimensions
- any non requested pop-ups
- sites that request registration to see nothing really (when you hoped to see something you were looking for)
- sites that have cliches such as "click here" "more about me"
- sites that don't work on safari, firebird, icab, links etc - when you are foced to use IE (especially bank etc sites)
- clipart graphics, annoying and heavy background sounds (at least the latter can be skipped in safari..)
- dirty html, slow loading no matter if it's due to huge graphics, bad html, tosn of javascript, active-x etc, or flash. all the same, slowness is boring.
- also sites that are done nicely but have nothign to say
My annyoances:
- sites that require flash or you can't see any content
- sites in flash that don't give the "skip animation"
- sites in flash that don't offer static html for faster browsing (seriously, if i want entertainment i go to movies)
- sites in flash that are slow. everyone does not have dsl, so if it takes time on a 28 k modem, i get bored in dsl
- sites that use flash "only to use flash", so when they would have been able to a lot faster and functional, easy to navigate site on static html, but chose to use average flash instead of good html
- sites that have an unrequested pop-up in the main url, thus if you don't allow unrequested pop-ups you can't see it (and then no "nothing happens? click")
- sites that open a new page with huge dimensions
- any non requested pop-ups
- sites that request registration to see nothing really (when you hoped to see something you were looking for)
- sites that have cliches such as "click here" "more about me"
- sites that don't work on safari, firebird, icab, links etc - when you are foced to use IE (especially bank etc sites)
- clipart graphics, annoying and heavy background sounds (at least the latter can be skipped in safari..)
- dirty html, slow loading no matter if it's due to huge graphics, bad html, tosn of javascript, active-x etc, or flash. all the same, slowness is boring.
- also sites that are done nicely but have nothign to say