Wait a minute - How are the numbers arranged there? The way I'm familiar with uses only four digits, each representing a nibble. So that's why I'm confused by the five digits. Does that mean there's actually two and a half bytes of permissions info, not two?
If I try to follow your deconstruction of 33261
3 = SGID, sticky = -----S--t
2 = owner write = -w-------
6 = group read write = ---rw----
1 = world execute= --------x
gives me 3261 = -w-rwS--t. But we're missing one of the 3's in there - the mode it says really is 33261 not 3261.
Anyway, even after running verifypermissions, the mode block is still a much more conventional 0755.
So, I'm wondering if it's just an embarassing bug in verifypermissions, but one that is essentially 'cosmetic' in that it doesn't affect the real disk permissions - which would explain the apple tech note that basically says "Nothing to see here. Move along. Ignore the man behind the curtain."