What is taking the HP ipod so long


I don't get it, what is going on here. It has been like 3 months since they said this would be out. I don't think Apple is having that much of a shortage of the bigger ipods. Unlesss, there is a completely different form factor or software change, why wouldn't Apple be pushing blue ipods to HP?? Especially, since school is just about out all the kids want to get their HP ipods before they go on vacation. If we don't see a blue ipod in the next two weeks I don't think we'll see one before August.
and? they never set a date - if you want an ipod get a white one - i dnt realy like the blue coours anyway!
I already have two. But those PC kids need their blue hpods, and I really want to see how hp spins them since they've had their hp ipod/itunes website up for over a month now. I thought they said this summer. Heck, we are already two days into summer!!!!
Two days into summer. Egads! :D Besides, pc users can buy an Apple iPod as well. Forget the HP, I want a Mini without a 4-week wait.
Well, the HP iPod will probably bring down the price of the iPod, per the HP business model. Perhaps they are waiting for the next revision before shipping the HP branded one.
I guess Americans don't quite understand sarcasm yet. Maybe a few hundred more years and you'll catch up with the rest of us.
I thought it was irony they didn't grasp. (And this is sarcasm, not irony, mind you!) ;-)

I remember that hp/Apple said the hPod would be out in July. not 'Summer', or even 'June'.
I guess Americans don't quite understand sarcasm yet. Maybe a few hundred more years and you'll catch up with the rest of us.
Actually I was being sarcastic in response to your sarcastic comment. ::ha:: But it's ok, a few more hundred years and you'll catch to us when it comes to droll senses of "humour" and sarcasm. ::angel::
Randman wasn't refering to your comment... but to one prior. Even a Frenchman could find humor in that. :D touché
mi5moav said:
I already have two. But those PC kids need their blue hpods, and I really want to see how hp spins them since they've had their hp ipod/itunes website up for over a month now. I thought they said this summer. Heck, we are already two days into summer!!!!

I thought summer didn't start until the end of the month?
Yeh, I guess I had heat stroke when writing that...summer solstice isn't until the 22... jeez... so at least two more weeks... so, then definitely the hp ipod won't be popping up till after the conference I'm assuming. Oh, well...within a month the itunes store could have close to 1,000,000 tracks available to download, that would be pretty cool... Only a million dollars and you could start your own. I wonder if Apple would give someone a discount if they said I'll buy every song you have I'm a little shy of the 2+ Terabytes of disk space to store them all on.
And nope you _couldn't_ start your own, because of licensing issues. :) ...

Back on topic: I think hp will use the spotlight at WWDC to announce the availability of their iPods. If Apple's in the news, they get more promo for their hp iPods for free...
Could also be that HP will be jumping on of there's any firmware updates to the iPod (such as improved photo management), and/or increases to the hard drive. If the color rumors are true, will HP also be offering those? I'm assuming Apple will keep the mini to itself.
I _THOUGHT_ so. Yes! That's it! You're right. They're keeping the iPod mini to themselves. THAT'S why it's not available over here in Europe! ;-)