Going from my experience with everything from Pixels:3D to Maya, I have grown a new opinion of "Who's the best". I can not stress enough for someone who has not been modeling and rendering for years, that the application that's best, is only the one you first understand.
Only after tons of exercices and completed projects do you grow to a point that the best application to use is the one with certain features that you want for your particular projects....
I have seen people take Pixels:3D although much harder to achive, make animations that you would swear came from a LightWave project. My point is to the orginal post.
If your somewhat new or very new, you have to try different ones out, and find the one that allows you to do something, the one you say "Ohh.. I see how to do it" , cause each one has different work-flows and different way-abouts, but they all (Some with lots of work and less on others) give a similar result.
Maya, Electric-Image are very High end-ed with Lightwave coming up right be-hind if not on the same level these days... Cinema is maturing as well.. and for a start.... at the price Cinema, Pixels:3D and the boys from ILM's
http://www.dvgarage.com version of ElectricImage at $269 is a great start.
Again... in the begining you have to find the app that best clicks with you and has the style and work-flow that helps you understand and excel into modeling and animating... each person has their on perception and understanding...
Later down the road... non of that matters because you know enough so that the way tools are layed out and how an app works is just a matter of opinion and the inportant things become the tools and advanced features.