what is the best msn messenger app. for mac?


what is the best application to use for msn messenger on mac.

i have mercury messenger that has a lot of the features that the latest windows version has, but it's an awful and 100% complicated program.
also, a lot of the features don't work well.

i also have the latest mac version of msn, but that's missing loads of features. e.g. webcam, display pictures, etc.

is it possible to get ichat and use hotmail accounts on it?

thnx in advance
Hi elizer,

I use one called adium, ( www.adiumx.com), which is a multi network client, running msn, aim, jabber, yahoo, icq etc. It has lots of features, its free and very very customizable. It does display pictures, but hasn't yet implemented video. The other popular multi network client is called fire, but i'll let other who know and like it better describe that one.

iChat doesn't run msn acounts (hotmail accounts) by default, though apparently it is possible in Tiger. It uses aim instead, and does do video chat, very nicely in tiger in particular i hear. Nb- iChat, as i understand it, only works with firewire webcams like the iSight, though there is a shareware program called ichatUSB which makes usb webcams work, at least in panther. You can look at it at http://www.ecamm.com/mac/ichatusbcam/ .

Have fun!

adium is an unbeliveable messenger guys. thanks a lot.

but does anyone know if there is an extra to view handwritten text.


does anyone know how to change the groups to online/offline?