I've struggled with some basic housekeeping for many years and finally decided to ask, "how do you do it?" question.
Let's say you have a bunch of files on your desktop and you want to get rid of the clutter. So, let's say you have a home folder, which has a subfolder in it, and it has subfolders in it. For illustration, let's say it's something like this:
MyBusiness folder
>>#1 Client
>>#2 Client
>>>#2 Client correspondence
>>>#2 Client invoices
>Samples of Work
>>News Releases
Now, you've got this file on your desktop. And you want to put it in the MyBusiness Folder/Samples of Work/News Releases....
You click on it.
Drag it over the folder Samples of Work, it opens, you see News releases, and you then attempt to drag the file you clicked on over to that folder without making "a mess."
You click on it...
and because there are other categories and folders that take up half the page, you can't see the actual folder you want to drop it in....
I always - still holding the file = then try to make the page scroll down so I can get to the folder "category" but often it doesn't work.
And, if you accidentally "let go," you need to remember what you called that file, because who knows what folder it may pop into.
Is there another way to do this other than having to first find the folder you want to put something in, then either minimizing or moving the open window, then choosing the file, than dragging or copying the file into the folder?
I can't be the only person that struggles with this. Hopefully.
(I missed the File/Folder 101 class, I guess).
Thanks for any input.
Let's say you have a bunch of files on your desktop and you want to get rid of the clutter. So, let's say you have a home folder, which has a subfolder in it, and it has subfolders in it. For illustration, let's say it's something like this:
MyBusiness folder
>>#1 Client
>>#2 Client
>>>#2 Client correspondence
>>>#2 Client invoices
>Samples of Work
>>News Releases
Now, you've got this file on your desktop. And you want to put it in the MyBusiness Folder/Samples of Work/News Releases....
You click on it.
Drag it over the folder Samples of Work, it opens, you see News releases, and you then attempt to drag the file you clicked on over to that folder without making "a mess."
You click on it...
and because there are other categories and folders that take up half the page, you can't see the actual folder you want to drop it in....
I always - still holding the file = then try to make the page scroll down so I can get to the folder "category" but often it doesn't work.
And, if you accidentally "let go," you need to remember what you called that file, because who knows what folder it may pop into.
Is there another way to do this other than having to first find the folder you want to put something in, then either minimizing or moving the open window, then choosing the file, than dragging or copying the file into the folder?
I can't be the only person that struggles with this. Hopefully.
(I missed the File/Folder 101 class, I guess).
Thanks for any input.