What is the Best way to update from OS 10.2.6?



I am new to this, but I need some answers and this place seems to be the best.

I have a Apple iMac, G4, 800MHz, SD RAM 1 GB, 80 GB HD, CD-RW/DVD-R superdrive, OSX 10.2.6.

I am thinking I should upgrade to the most current Mac OS. How much difficulty is involved in an upgrade. I know it's several major system upgrades, but is it hard to do? I'm somewhat computer savvy.

Well the current version is 10.4.x (Tiger). So if you want to go all the full monty, then first back up your important data on an external hard drive. Then buy a copy of Tiger and do a clean install. Then use the old disk in an external firewire case (like these) and do do a fresh wipe and clean install.

Finally use the Migration Assistant application (/Applications/Utilities/MigrationAssistant) and then import the data you want from the external hard drive you saved your last OS X on. This way you know you will be going from a clean start.

Also once you do decide to goto a new install of OS X, go to the Apple download site and search for the the latest "combo" OS X download the Apple supplied (for Tiger search the downloads using a term like "10.4.6 combo" and this will instantly put most of the latest downloads for that OS X in one stroke. After that download installs then run Software Update to bring you up to the latest speed of OS X updates.

Good Luck in your adventure