What is your favorite Mac?

What is your favorite Mac?

  • The New iMac (all models)

  • Old iMac (G3 models)

  • eMac

  • iBook

  • PowerBook

  • Xserve

  • Power Mac G4 (current model)

  • Power Mac G4 (previous models)

  • cube

  • original all in one mac

  • Other (name it on your post...)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Universal Traveler
Apple is and has been known for it's awsome designs for it's computers. So which would you say is your favorite Mac?
NOTE: This decision should be based on what you think LOOKS coolist, not on system preformance or other factors of this sort. Also, I'm sorry if I couldn't fit in a model that you were looking for, thats why theres a "Other" option. :)
I think the new iMacs are sweet personally.:D :p
I voted for the new G4 - I just bought a DP 1 GHz about two months ago and I absolutely love this thing.

HOWEVER, the one Mac that was the absolute coolest for its time (and has yet to be equaled in newness and coolness in a new Mac) was my old Quadra 660 AV (or 880 AV). S-Video outs (why don't we have this now - stock?), various phone options (dialing, asnwering machine...) the introduction of speech recognition (why didn't they keep up on this or buy into IBM or Dragon for the OS version?) and on and on. I guess the only thing that surpassed it was OS X, but that was one heck of a machine for its day. Sure, new machines can do all this and more, but Apple really did a slick job of putting it all together right out of the box.