First I would like you to know I like a lot OS X. It's a very great system and the most great is GNU Darwin, I think. That's all wonderful, but ...
But when you set the view of a window to list with sorting value to file name, then, if you change the name of a file then the list isn't resort (ex. : {Apple, Applications, Games}, you do Apple -> zApple, and you see (until you open again the window) : {zApple, Applications, Games} ).
When you select a file in a window and another in elsewhere (in some other window), the both are selected. Fortunately, Apple's Finder only considers the last selected one.
The speed is not shown on a PPP connection with "Internet". There is no way (in "System") to use a Connection Script (very usefull when you use a terminal connection).
There's no more folder exploration by "1/2 click". I mean : when you drag a file on a folder it was opened using OS 9. This was very (but very very) useful.
Thank you Apple for including in OS X 10.1 all those brilliant ideas you got in the past. Thank you also to have made OS X, it's the best idea you got (thank you NeXT).
PS (-----> to Apple):
what about a Mac OS X for Intel ?
I use a Mac since I'm 3 (I began with an Apple ][e), but I've to recognize you're so crazy : how can you think dealers to sell your products when on an iMac they win only $15 (my father was AppleCenter in south of France).
Do you think a business, a familly can live with this few ?
What do you think of your after-sales policy ? When a customer comes to see us with an iMac we say : "We are sorry, but you will have to wait a lot. Or you buy an Apple Care service and some Apple's expert of Toulouse will come to see you, or you give us your Mac and we send it to Holland (to Apple). You wait in every case.
Bhe most often we are able to repair it. So why don't you allow us to fix the problem, why do you force this future ex-Mac lover the customer is to wait ??
Apple kills Apple, as the Human kills Humanity.
Yesterday a mother went to see me. She had a problem with her Mac. I fixed it, two hours later her child was using Adibou on. What would have happend if I didn't fixed it ? She would have waited, ok, but fo her child is the summer holidays. She want's her Adibou.
My friends always argue to convince me of the superiority of PC on Mac. I do as if I didn't agree. But even if I know Mac software (OS X first) to be better than Windows, I can't be without thinking about Linux. Even if I know Mac to be cheaper now than some years ago, I can't be without dreaming about a perfect Mac : just a motherboard (why not from Apple) but with the video card I want (a little one), with the number of processors I want, with the number of disks I want and with the PCI cards I want (no firewire, no sound, ...). This is the Mac I want. Do you remember Gassé : "Open Mac" ?
When my father looks for a network installation for a company who needs one I say : why don't you put some Mac Server with MacOS X as Firewall, why don't you put some Mac as ... He laughs. He uses every day a Mac but it does now many years he forgot to believe in Apple. He no longer is a dreamer. He is realist, now. He was one of the first (before Apple France creation) to sell Mac in France. He was enthusiast at the idea of changing the face of the society by a new computer system. He made a lot for the Macintosh. Today he is sad. He hates Apple, Apple strangles him, day after day : the margins melt as snow on sun.
Today for a non graphical but professional solution (as networking, office, ...) a PC is better than a Mac : try to sell 50 or 150 iMacs to a firm with MS Office when they can have cheaper 100 or 200 PC with MS Office & Windows, or cheaper : 100 or 200 PC with GNU/Linux with StarOffice. That's no realist. Do they need Firewire, do they need Sound, ... ? No they just need a mouse, a keyboard, a screen, a CD-Rom driver (or burner), a floppy disk (sorry), a Zip maybe, and a hard disk.
Others just need the same but with ability to put more than one CD-RW driver, more than one HD, more than one Zip, ... Today, there's no Mac which permits this. The G4 is a closed machine. Fortunately you can put more than one HD, but what about a RACQ ? Do you know how to put one on a Mac ?
Try to think about all of that, and I forgot a lot more, but this is a good start I think.
In spite of all, I will continue to defend Mac and Apple, and I will continue to hope for a better world : "Le monde Apple" (as one of my shirts says).
Viva Apple! Viva Macintosh ! See you every body,
First I would like you to know I like a lot OS X. It's a very great system and the most great is GNU Darwin, I think. That's all wonderful, but ...
But when you set the view of a window to list with sorting value to file name, then, if you change the name of a file then the list isn't resort (ex. : {Apple, Applications, Games}, you do Apple -> zApple, and you see (until you open again the window) : {zApple, Applications, Games} ).
When you select a file in a window and another in elsewhere (in some other window), the both are selected. Fortunately, Apple's Finder only considers the last selected one.
The speed is not shown on a PPP connection with "Internet". There is no way (in "System") to use a Connection Script (very usefull when you use a terminal connection).
There's no more folder exploration by "1/2 click". I mean : when you drag a file on a folder it was opened using OS 9. This was very (but very very) useful.
Thank you Apple for including in OS X 10.1 all those brilliant ideas you got in the past. Thank you also to have made OS X, it's the best idea you got (thank you NeXT).
PS (-----> to Apple):
what about a Mac OS X for Intel ?
I use a Mac since I'm 3 (I began with an Apple ][e), but I've to recognize you're so crazy : how can you think dealers to sell your products when on an iMac they win only $15 (my father was AppleCenter in south of France).
Do you think a business, a familly can live with this few ?
What do you think of your after-sales policy ? When a customer comes to see us with an iMac we say : "We are sorry, but you will have to wait a lot. Or you buy an Apple Care service and some Apple's expert of Toulouse will come to see you, or you give us your Mac and we send it to Holland (to Apple). You wait in every case.
Bhe most often we are able to repair it. So why don't you allow us to fix the problem, why do you force this future ex-Mac lover the customer is to wait ??
Apple kills Apple, as the Human kills Humanity.
Yesterday a mother went to see me. She had a problem with her Mac. I fixed it, two hours later her child was using Adibou on. What would have happend if I didn't fixed it ? She would have waited, ok, but fo her child is the summer holidays. She want's her Adibou.
My friends always argue to convince me of the superiority of PC on Mac. I do as if I didn't agree. But even if I know Mac software (OS X first) to be better than Windows, I can't be without thinking about Linux. Even if I know Mac to be cheaper now than some years ago, I can't be without dreaming about a perfect Mac : just a motherboard (why not from Apple) but with the video card I want (a little one), with the number of processors I want, with the number of disks I want and with the PCI cards I want (no firewire, no sound, ...). This is the Mac I want. Do you remember Gassé : "Open Mac" ?
When my father looks for a network installation for a company who needs one I say : why don't you put some Mac Server with MacOS X as Firewall, why don't you put some Mac as ... He laughs. He uses every day a Mac but it does now many years he forgot to believe in Apple. He no longer is a dreamer. He is realist, now. He was one of the first (before Apple France creation) to sell Mac in France. He was enthusiast at the idea of changing the face of the society by a new computer system. He made a lot for the Macintosh. Today he is sad. He hates Apple, Apple strangles him, day after day : the margins melt as snow on sun.
Today for a non graphical but professional solution (as networking, office, ...) a PC is better than a Mac : try to sell 50 or 150 iMacs to a firm with MS Office when they can have cheaper 100 or 200 PC with MS Office & Windows, or cheaper : 100 or 200 PC with GNU/Linux with StarOffice. That's no realist. Do they need Firewire, do they need Sound, ... ? No they just need a mouse, a keyboard, a screen, a CD-Rom driver (or burner), a floppy disk (sorry), a Zip maybe, and a hard disk.
Others just need the same but with ability to put more than one CD-RW driver, more than one HD, more than one Zip, ... Today, there's no Mac which permits this. The G4 is a closed machine. Fortunately you can put more than one HD, but what about a RACQ ? Do you know how to put one on a Mac ?
Try to think about all of that, and I forgot a lot more, but this is a good start I think.
In spite of all, I will continue to defend Mac and Apple, and I will continue to hope for a better world : "Le monde Apple" (as one of my shirts says).
Viva Apple! Viva Macintosh ! See you every body,