What mac do you have?

What mac do you have?

  • iMac (2000 or later)

    Votes: 40 25.8%
  • iMac (pre-2000)

    Votes: 19 12.3%
  • PowerMac G4 (2001 or later)

    Votes: 27 17.4%
  • PowerMac G4 (pre-2001)

    Votes: 42 27.1%
  • PowerMac G3 (any model)

    Votes: 26 16.8%
  • Power Macintosh (any model, or a clone)

    Votes: 17 11.0%
  • PowerBook G4

    Votes: 18 11.6%
  • iBook (Dual USB)

    Votes: 24 15.5%
  • iBook (classic)

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • Other/older

    Votes: 30 19.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


web developer
My impression is that 90 % of all the users here have a new, shiny PowerMac G4 or something like that. I'm going to find out if that's true. What mac(s) do you have? :)
I have 3 Powerbooks - my luvverly tibook, a 1400cs (plan - to upgrade it to a G3 and see if I can get X running) and a 170. So I voted Powerbook G4 and other/older
WEll I have the mac in my signature, and a Performa 635 with I hardly use.

I wanna get a G5 when they come out, so I am saving up :D
(if the books I buy dont make me go broke :p)

I have:
PowerBook 520
PowerBook 540
PowerBook G3 Wallstreet
PowerBook G3 Pismo
PowerBook G4 500Mhz:)
So..as you can see I am also a power book freak
You forgot Powerbook G3, so I put it in under "other".

1) G4/867, 1.5 GB, 60+30 GB drives, 9.2.1 and 10.1
2) beige G3/266 with 450 ZIF overclocked to 535, 756 MB, 6+30 GB, 9.1 and 10.1.1
3) 266 Wallstreet, 192MB, 4 GB, 9.1 and 10.1.1

(G4/867 - 9:42PM up 26 days, 20:34, 4 users, load averages: 1.45, 1.40, 1.34)
Well, thats a trick question, well isn't it? Heres the macs (and monitors) I *HAVE* now:

1) Mac Classic
2) Mac IIcx /w broken Floppy Drive (no way of getting stuff on it w/o networking/internetting)
3) 500-series Powerbook
4) AppleVision 17" Monitor (Beige, old, but flat screen... rather nice)
5) Mac IIcx Monochrome Monitor
6) Apple Performa Plus Display

However, I am getting on of these in January (unless I cant wait and get the G4 early):

A) look in my info
B) A faster, DP G4, or a G5 if they come out in Jan.

So, I voted, PowerMac G4 2001 or later, and the older option.
heh i have an iMac 500mhz at home and an iMac 400mhz at the office

lucky people who actually have a blue and white g3 or any type of g4

Im looking to buy any model of a g4 sometime

got any places or selling one?
email me :)
As I thought, there are many PowerMac G4's here :)
Yup, I forgot the Powerbook G3 (and the other Powerbooks), but there wasn't place for them anyway.

Here's my systems:
iMac rev D 333 MHz/6 GB/256 MB
PowerMac 8600 400 MHz G3/2+4+30 GB/224 MB
(iBook Dual USB 500 MHz/10 GB/384 MB)
Powerbook 1400cs (controlling an el-piano) :p
Performa 5200 (server/router)

The only thing I need now is a PowerMac G4/G5... :D
Originally posted by Joseph Spiros
Well, thats a trick question, well isn't it? Heres the macs (and monitors) I *HAVE* now:

1) Mac Classic
2) Mac IIcx /w broken Floppy Drive (no way of getting stuff on it w/o networking/internetting)
3) 500-series Powerbook
4) AppleVision 17" Monitor (Beige, old, but flat screen... rather nice)
5) Mac IIcx Monochrome Monitor
6) Apple Performa Plus Display

However, I am getting on of these in January (unless I cant wait and get the G4 early):

A) look in my info
B) A faster, DP G4, or a G5 if they come out in Jan.

So, I voted, PowerMac G4 2001 or later, and the older option.

Eh, which of the machines are you running OS X on?...
iMac DV+/450
384 MB RAM
20 GB HD--Mac OS 9.2.1/ OS X 10.1.1

G4/466 (Digital Audio)
512 MB RAM
30 GB HD--Mac OS 9.2.1/ OS X 10.1.1
15 GB HD--Empty (for now)

G4 Cube/450 (DVD)
196 MB RAM
20 GB HD--Mac OS X 10.1.1

PowerBook G4 Titanium/500 (soon to be 667! :D )
384 MB RAM
20 GB HD--Mac OS 9.2.1/ OS X 10.1.1

That's about it...for now

*NOTE: All but the iMac are my machines at work :(
You seem to have neglected two more categories: PowerBook G3 A or B and PBG3 later, it seems lots of people have those :)

My Wall Street resents that :)
Ah well, I have my TiBook now :-p
My first Mac: Summer of 2000 iMac (Indigo iMac DV)
Then I got a Newton 130
Then 2 Mac Classics
and my Baby..... Combo Drive iBook, (upgrading to 640 MB).

Thats all...
The women I dont mind, the children I do mind.... one work for ya... CONTRACEPTIVES :p

As for the newton, IT KICKS PDA A$$ ;) I love it!
It kicked butt... but now I realise that I dont even need a pda, with my iBook and all... Just dont tell ma' and dad =D

I do use my Handspring more than my Newton though....

I guess I do have too many toys.