What machine will you buy next from Apple?

Um, as far as I know, Apple hasn't released any of these products, so I can't say I will be buying any of them. What a stupid poll. :rolleyes:
I'd buy the rack mount computer mention at the Developer's conference if it is not burdened with the 'apple premium', otherwise, I'll stick to my bsd box.
I'd have to say Rackmount, or an iPad web pad with bluetooth and 802.11g support with Inkwell technology. :D
How about "Nothin' cuz by the time those come out, I'll still be too goddamn poor!"

-the valrus
I upgrade each machine when there's a newer model with at least twice the megahertz. So, I won't be upgrading my Powerbook until there is a 1ghz PBG4/G5 available, and I won't be upgrading my desktop until there are dual 1.6ghz G5's.

This usually gets me 18-24 months of life out of each machine before upgrade.
Just bought an iMac, so I'm not upgrading for quite a while. Maybe an iPod if I get rich, however... :rolleyes:
if I went by your rule I should have bought a new machine already :p
>700Mhz machines exist already hehehe.
My rule of thumb is when speeds are 10x faster lol ;) I went from a 33Mhz to a 350Mhz hehehehe :p) ...hmmm....that means that I will have to wait for a 3.5Ghz mac :eek:

I'd have any of those... I just need some money!

I guess an iPod would come way down on the list... a 17" iMac would be very popular I think, given how well the new iMac has gone, but also bearing in mind most cheapie PCs come with 17" monitors nowadays.

And of course, we'd all like a mega PowerMac ;)
How about all of them?

I will need a new Mac when I go to college... so I voted for the G4/G5. It would have to be a beastly tower, with 1 GIG of RAM.
even though my g4 with a single proc at 733mhz is much slower than the dualies out now, I have to wait at least another year to upgrade (i got my machine back in October) by then hopefully i'll be looking at getting a G5 or at least a dual 1.8 - 2 ghz setup
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
I will need a new Mac when I go to college... so I voted for the G4/G5. It would have to be a beastly tower, with 1 GIG of RAM. [/B]

I completely agree with you. Before I go to college, I'm going to save up and buy the best Mac there is at the time. Plenty of ram too so I don't have to do any major upgrades during college when $$$ is low.
Originally posted by fryke
most cheapie pcs come with 17" TFT screens? don't think so, dude. :)

Did I say that? I did not. Read my post again. I was talking about screen SIZE, not type.

And I ain't a "dude".

the next computer i will probably buy will be something like a g5 probably before college, in around...3 years... so maybe even a g6.....
my apologies, benpoole. :)

but i don't think that the iMac with a 17" TFT would compete with the cheap 17" CRT equipped PCs. Not in price and not in quality.
Accepted ;)

But that's not what I'm saying either... Apple's iMac will not compete with the cheapies. As you say, it's a quality machine, and it will always cost more -- leave that to the old style iMacs that Apple still sell.

I'm just saying that even cheap peecees have 17" monitors as a minimum nowadays... I have a 15" at work, and a 15" on my iMac at home, and they feel kind of titchy. I wouldn't consider anything less than 17" in any new machine I bought.

But like I said, it's not like I'm going to be buying anything soon anyways. Look at my history:

1992 - Mac Classic 4/40 - 8 MHz (my first Mac after years of hankering)
1998 - Bondi blue iMac rev B - 233MHz (my first colour Mac with CD-ROM after years of hankering)
2004 - maybe I'll get a rev D iMac?? ;)
I'm hoping for an iBook with a 12.1 inch screen and an 800MHz or faster low-power G3 (Sahara). The weight should be about 3 pounds or less. I'm hoping for 8 hours of battery life.