What Microsoft says about iTunes...

I think M$ is just whining. They are afraid that other companies are going to start supporting AAC and WMA will go by the wayside.
Hey - MS is NOT Number 1 on this one, so they are crying and whining that they are being beaten! Good thing - hopefully their crap WMAs will fail and go away!

(can you tell I hate WMAs?)
"Unless Apple decides to make radical changes to their service model, a Windows-based version of ITunes will still remain a closed system, where IPod owners cannot access content from other services," said Fester.

First of all... what the HELL does that mean? The iPod accepts AIFF, WAV, MP3, and AAC files! The only thing it DOESN'T accept is WMAs!

Secondly, I don't think M$ of all companies should even be using the words "closed system." Damn. I know we're all a little hyporcritical, but THIS takes the freakin' cake.

"Additionally, users of ITunes are limited to music from Apple's Music Store ... this is a drawback for Windows users, who expect choice in music services, choice in devices, and choice in music from a wide variety of music services to burn to a CD or put on a portable device. Lastly, if you use Apple's music store along with ITunes, you don't have the ability of using the over 40 different Windows Media-compatible portable music devices. When I'm paying for music, I want to know that I have choices today and in the future."

Right, but when your portable music player has 30% market share, who cares about those other devices?

Secondly, it's not like those other devices ONLY accept WMAs... they take MP3s, too. So iTunes is just jim dandy.

This guy just has iTunes envy.
PC World is a Wintel/Amd lover in every single thing... I trust Bill Gates more than them ANY day :eek:

A Microsoft executive is complaining about an Apple service/product not having enough choices?

AH-HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA!

What a chump...
Not to mention that M$ employees, even the high ranked ones, are goofy:

The piece from there:
"Just three days after a Microsoft vice president--who is in charge of Microsoft.com and Windows Update--told thousands of delegates at a conference in Florida that Service Pack 2 for Windows XP would be available by the end of 2003, the company has effectively retracted the comments and said that customers will see only a beta version of SP2 this year."