What might be causing this system crash?


It all started at 3......

I bought a new eMac a few months ago and everything works fine except when I try to play games with 3D graphics. I recently bought Call Of Duty and as soon as I start moving around the system crashes every time, even when I've tried it with the lowest performance settings. I also have exactly the same problem with Tony Hawks Pro Skater which shipped with the eMac, the system crashes every time. It's a shame because these games look pretty good. I've racked my brain to think what the problem might be, I have wondered if it might be a RAM issue but I'm starting to think it might be a software problem.

Any suggestions?

My system:

eMac 1.25ghz processor
512 RAM
32mb VM
OS 10.3.4

Thank you.

HateEternal said:
Apple memory or did you upgrade your self?

The memory was installed by Apple prior to the machine being shipped.

diablojota said:
Have you repaired permissions, and perhaps removed any p-lists?

Yes, I have recently repaired permissions. What is a p-list and how will I know if I've removed one?

I am also wondering if it could be a problem with openGL?

Thank you.

You could try getting all the latest updates, to the games and to OS X. AFAIK, the lastest OS X update (10.3.5) came with some new OpenGL drivers.
You should have a CD that came with your OS called "Apple Hardware Test" Pop in the CD. Shut down the computer. Wile the computer starts up hold down the "C" key untill the apple shows up. After the screen comes up run the extended test. The results will tell you if you have any bad hardware.

If eveything is ok, than try and ReInstalling the OS, wipe the HD clean and start fresh.

After all of this and you get your games working, do what I do. Make another account. Name it games or somthin and limit the account, so that you can only play the games on the account. I got the Iadea from Mac OS X Hints http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2004091518483060&query=Games+account

Good luck, let us know how it turns out :D
Be Advised--There is a World-Wide Apple Recall on eMac & iMac-s made in 2004 for faulty capacitors on Logic Board. Apple ignored it at first, & doesn't rountinely point it out now--but the fix is now free, if your eMac or iMac falls into the right S/N numbers. This ailment starts out as seldom occuring hard-Crashing--but will eventually cause frequent Crashing on most software--especially anything using alot of Graphics. The link to Apple's own Forum on this eMac / iMac problem it's-self, is figity for a long time after you arrive till it fills in completely, and I'm on DSL. Link is ( http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=301339&tstart=15 ) Also, People with eMacs & iMacs outside the Recall S/n-s are reporting same condition & positive ID on defective Capacitors. None of the standard Tests will show any problem--everyone on that Forum reports that result, that has made positive ID of defective capacitors that can be viewed -via- Memory Door. jellison. Oregon