What Mouse to buy??


Was thinkin of buying a new mouse, what mouse do any of yee use? how do you like them?
Was thinkin of something optical with a scrollwheel (essential) wireless/bluetooth possibly, (though then i'd have to but a bluetooth dongle) ..... Was thinkin of maybe the Logitech MX500 or MX700 Cordless...
What Yee Think??
At work I use a Microsoft Wireless Optical Blue -- don't think they make my particular model anymore. Very nice mouse.

At home I have a Logitech MX500. AWESOME mouse. I suppose the MX700 is just as nice, only wireless. This mouse has the most accurate tracking I have seen in my life. Breathtaking. My only gripe it is that any settings you configure are GLOBAL. What I like about the MS (I have heard that it is based off of USB OverDrive?) software is that you can have settings on a per application basis. Example:

On my MS mouse
For Safari I have the wheel button set to command-click (open link in new tab).
For every other app, I have it set so that if I click and roll up or down with the wheel button it utilizes the Zoom feature from the Universal Access System Preferences pane.

With the Logitech software it's either-or.
I have a MX700 havent used it on my mac yet but it works awesome on my PC. However, if you really dont need the cordless i would get the mx500, its cheaper and sooooooo much lighter, those batteries are heavy as hell.
I don't know why ppl want to go wireless with the mouse. It won't make much sense to use the mouse few meters away from the screen. I think it's just a design thing, right? A wireless desktop looks quite nice.
I have the MX500 and it's probably as great as the MX700 or MX900. You just gotta assess if wireless is worth its money and dependance on batteries.
I have the Microsoft Intellimouse. Pretty nice. I have the Logitech cordless mx700, it's nice, but a little heavy. Get a corded, much fewer things to worry about (batteries, loss of signal, etc.)
bobw said:
I have the MX700. Best mouse I've ever used.

Me too and I have its two extra buttons mapped to Expose and it is unbelievably convenient!!! You simply can't go wrong with this mouse!!! P.S. I had recent trouble with a Kensington wireless optical (forgot the model number) and though I was often a big fan of their stuff, Logitech has been so much better - design, performance, issues, features, feel... everything. Can I rave any more for you? :)

Still, if you are a trackball kind of person, then Kensington is the way to go for sure.
hmm... i still dont know Mx500/700... theres £15 in the difference, for the exact same mouse cept for the cable...The deciding factor i think is gonna be.......
Is it the 700 recharged through the USB or a seperate adapter, cause i really dont need another bloody plug in my already overcrowded socket :) .....
Zammy-Sam said:
I don't know why ppl want to go wireless with the mouse. It won't make much sense to use the mouse few meters away from the screen. I think it's just a design thing, right? A wireless desktop looks quite nice.
We got a wireless mouse for my wife's iBook because...
A) The trackpad sucks (personal tastes, all trackpads suck)
B) The wired mouse we had before just had a lot of extra chord hanging around everywhere.

But we actually misplaced it somewhere... now that's a bad thing about wireless mouses. :)
Just Ordered the Logitech MX500 and with the change i saved not goin for the MX700 i bought LOR:Fellowship Of The Ring (4Disc Extended Ed.) for £17.99,.....:D
Thanks for the advice.... now just have to go sit by the door and wait for the postman :p
MX700 here. best. ever.

as far as why wireless? cause my desk has too many damned wires on it, and sometimes i surf with the mouse on my leg :)
Jason said:
MX700 here. best. ever.

as far as why wireless? cause my desk has too many damned wires on it, and sometimes i surf with the mouse on my leg :)

I'm trying this out with my MX700 right now - it is hard! You are officially the Mac Thigh Master! :)
Hmm, I have no trouble using my Starlogic 8D mouse on my leg. And I've got corduroys on.
Arden said:
Hmm, I have no trouble using my Starlogic 8D mouse on my leg. And I've got corduroys on.

Yes, but do you have a Borg prosthetic arm? :p

Duh!!! Come to think of it, I don't even need a mouse! I'll just use my nanoprobe tubules to directly assimilate my Mac!!! :)