What on EARTH just happenned to my iMac?!?!


Prime Minister
I have a 17" iMac LCD running 10.2.6...I was online, and all of a sudden, the screen turned translucent grey (it was like it dimmed, but it went quickly from top to bottom) and a white box popped up that said "you must restart yoru computer, press restart or hold downthe power button" in several languages. It wasn't a kernel panic, and there was no way to close the box, or to save what i'd been working on...I've been using OS X since 10.0.2, and I've never seen this...what is it?
Originally posted by Dlatu1983
...It wasn't a kernel panic, and there was no way to close the box, or to save what i'd been working on...I've been using OS X since 10.0.2, and I've never seen this...what is it?

Actually, that IS a kernel panic! HA! Fooled you!

Seriously, though, that's the newer, "friendlier" kernel panic. Instead of drawing a bunch of ugly unix text accross your screen, your Mac displays this box. This kernel panic came with version 10.2 of the Mac OS.

So, what could be the problem? usually they're hardware-related.
The first thing my dad got on his work iBook when he booted it into Mac OS X for the first time was a panic. Really annoying. Hard to set back to OS 9.

Search this board for "kernel panic" and try to filter through the billions of results to find some troubleshooting info.