What res do you run?

you talking about your lcd or crt, arden? Crt at 75 Hz you definitly get. Move to 100 Hz for short to compare. Huge difference. 60 Hz is pure mess. Can't stand it for even a short moment (except on tv)
I'm talking about CRT, I don't have a machine with an LCD screen. (Read the signature. ;)) I'll check it out at some point, but 75 Hz is the only rate for this resolution this monitor supports; I'll have to go down to 1024x768 to compare.
On the Mac Side of the Force ALWAYS I use the highest resolution settings :D On the Dark Side of the Force I always use the 1280x960 and when not supported the 1280x1024 :p

BTW the 20" Cinema rulez! ;)
On this computer, the highest setting is 1920x1080, which makes it look like a movie screen. Barring that, the highest 4:3 resolution is 1600x1200, which is still too high for daily use, by either me or my mom & sister.

On an LCD screen, of course, I would use the highest resolution available. I really dislike the blurry look of lower resolutions on LCD screens.
well, lcd's low horizontal refreshrates don't cause flickering like crts. So, in the case of lcds, it is best to run the highest res. But how can your screen run 1920x1080 and not be able to refresh a >1024x786 res at at least 100 Hz... strange
or didn't your last post refere to my comment? ;)