What Should I Do With My "Server" Machine?


Hi everyone!

My father just got a new iMac G5, and I got his old iMac G3 DV edition for my personal server. While it's limited in hardware space, it's very reliable for performing server functions, and it currently has Mac OS 10.3 server installed.

What should I do with it? I originally wanted it as a mail server, before I got my domain name, but now I don't need that. Basically, it's just sitting there ready to perform some task, but I don't know what!

I've considered streaming, web community, lots of possibilities, but I just don't know what to do, and I'm wondering if someone just has a really cool idea.


I found that running QuickTime Streaming Server with a collection of my favorite MP3s allows me to have my own personal radio station when I'm at work... creating multiple playlists allows me to listen to "Classic Rock" or "Alternative" or "Weird Songs" or whatever I'm in the mood for.

I also develop software a little bit, and having a machine running mySQL and PHP that I can remotely log into was a boon.

I also design web pages a tad, and my server allowed me to put up "test" pages or works-in-progress for clients to check in on.

I hope that gives you a few more ideas!
Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, I've tried all of those, and I'm just looking for something new...nonetheless, I do think I will re-start a QTSS, but I need something else - something really cool.

Hmm... lets see. it could be:

- external storage (automount your shares on the new mac)
- itunes library home (shared for your other mac or any PCs in your house)
- video streamer via VideoLanClient
- tivo desktop server (if you have a S2 tivo)
- QTSS (mentioned above)
- mail server
- web server
- ftp server
- php/mysql machine either personal use or online use
- internet gateway (instead of a router)
- webcam server
- electricity user
- large warm paperweight
- Bryce 5 lightning client

And so much more.