What side of the screen is your dock?

What Side?

  • Left

  • Right

  • Bottom

  • Top

  • I hide it

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You guys all know how crammed my Dock is, so naturally the place that would make the most sense is the bottom, because it's wider and so allows for more icons at bigger sizes. I also have it pinned to the Start (i.e. pinned to the left) – not that it makes any difference.

But when I use my mom's iBook at home, I do indeed have the Dock on the left pinned at the Start (i.e. pinned to the top). I like that a lot, and it kind of makes sense with the Apple menu there and all. I'm with you there, ksuther. :)
I keep mine on the right side, icons as small as they will go, zooming to mid-sized, bouncing on. I made the backround transparent (it's so pointless!). Having the dock on the right side makes the most sense to me - it's like where icons were kept by default in OS 9 so I'm used to it. Your screen is wider than it is tall and I'm on an iBook so I can only go up to 1024x768, my vertical space is much more precious than my horizontal. I also have Xwindows installed, and my window manager has a toolbar that goes on the bottom of the screen, so that space is already taken when XDarwin is open (which is most of the time). Putting it on the bottom takes away room from web browsers, text editors, etc more than it does on the side. All my apps respect the dock's space no matter what side of the screen I put it on...
Mine is almost all the way around the screen, except the right.

I make generous use of DragThing :D
I have genie effect on, bouncing on, the whole shebang....
Heres a picture to explain.

Yes simX, that is your program! :D


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Oh oooooops!!!

mines currently now on the left. The rights wrong I think. The bottom is in the way so... that's what I think!!

Does anyone have their dock on the top????
I keep mine at the top center, hidden. That way it is gone unless I _really_ want it. Bottom, hidden is too likely to pop up unintended. The dock just has never suited my needs. Instead, I use Fruitmenu and ASM, and I have a trash applescript sitting on the desktop for when I cannot cmd-delete. Very OS-9 looking, but it has worked for me for 8 years...

What I do use the dock for is for dropping on applications like Stuffit Expander, Dropstuff, BBEdit etc...
One more quick thing-- I don't use the dock as a laucher AT ALL... I found this AWESOME utility called Launchbar... after you edit the info.plist file for the .app to get rid of it's stupid dock icon... it just sits up in your in your system menu. You hit cmd+space and then type in abbreviations for the application you want to launch, and it uses a great little heuristics algorithm to guess what you mean... for eg. I could type mug and it would guess Memory Usage Getter among a few other apps.

You can add to its search path so it looks for all sorts of things, including bookmarks, address book entries, and documentation (FREAKING AWESOME FOR MY PHP DOCUMENTATION!)

Plus, when I don't have anything open, it looks like I don't have anything open.

Anyways... just trying to share my love for this program :)
:) Well.... what can I say. That sounds good. Although I don't really understand....

I like the Dock though.

Anyone tried the program???

Basically... to launch a program you hit cmd+space, and a little tab pops up in the upper right (near the menu items).

Then you type in ANY abbreviation which you think applies to the application you're thinking of. A list of applications Launchbar things you're trying to launch appears and if the one you wanted wasn't the top pick, you just use the arrow keys to select it (assuming it's in the list).

Next time you use that abbreviation, launchbar puts the app you picked at the top of the list, and all you need to do is hit enter to launch it.

For example, I can launch calculator, address book, or any number of applications in quick succession. I don't need to traverse dock menus or have a dock cluttered up by inactive items, I just hit cmd+space regardless of what I'm doing.

In OS9, I used the function keys to launch apps I used frequently, but in osX I don't even need to do that or use a utility to recreate that functionality. I don't need to remember hotkeys that will have much less pnemonic relation to what I'm trying to do than an abbreviation... say APS for Adobe PhotoShop, SUIT for Suitcase 10, AIM for Aol Instant Messenger, etc. etc.