What software to use for subtitle tracks for movies?


Chmod 760
Staff member
Title says it all.

I have some movies (DVDs) that don't have the subtitles in desired languages.
What software should I use and how do I do to make the subtitles track for them?
I use most often VLC for viewing all movies as it is platform independent.

I just want to be able to have some friends to watch the movie with me. When they don't understand the audio, if I end up simultaneously translating it, that will ruin half of the movie. I will way rather have the own made subtitles track that I can put on for these movies when needed.

So how would I do to make the subtitles track? Or what software do they use professionally for this purpose?

Big work to translate the whole movies of 90 minutes. But as I have a few favorites that aren't and will not be translated, I just have to do it myself then. :)

Oh, alternatively if there are only Windows or Linux or any other OS versions that really work (ideally freeware options..) that will work as well, as I can alternatively create them in Fusion or on a PC.
Thx I will try that :)
Then some of the best films are still unfortunately totally impossible to translate... "Noio ... volevà ... savoir.. l'indiriss..."