What the hell!!!

I read that too, and I was going WTF too! It might be that the international prices are higher, and that that reflects that pricing, but I hardly believe that it would make that much of a difference... that's almost double, so it couldn't even correspond with the ORIGINAL pricing of the TiBooks!
I sent them an email to correct the error, I'll post any reply I get. One thing that bothers me though. The iPod is cooler than the G4?? And I noticed it said the iPod only works with Mac, I guess they never heard of the xPod software.
xPod is some software to allow Windows users to use the iPod. How it works or where to get it I don't know.
Note that the domain name is straitstimes.com.sg

I am from singapore and the prices quoted are in singapore dollars
Check out the prices at www.asia.apple.com

The Ti Book starts from SGD4163
if this Xplay really works, i don't care about my financial situation, i'll blow all my money for that iPod! I'll wait for their final release.