Originally posted by GuyAdams1
Gadget Lover, can you please stop trying to be clever and quit living in the past, i have nod dissed america in the slightest, i just thought it was a bit off that u had to bring in the fact that the english are fools, in a thread about wether there is gonna be a powermac update or not!!!! it is so irrelivent, and why bring in the argument about how tanned i am???? how old r u? 12?
You are so funny. Thank you for making my afternoon a joy, Guy. First, the "fools" reference (which I redacted to make you feel better because I'd hate to bruise you fragile ego) was in reference to 1776 England and was a joke -- if you have any aptitude for context you should realize that I could have chosen from a million (no Guy, I am not being literal, should I have said 100,000? Oops, did it again) different examples of speculative thinking ("the sky is falling"). That one about England just popped into my head -- would you feel better if I said that no one ever thought that the Los Angeles Dodgers would defeat the Oakland Athletics in the 1988 World Series (does this mean that I think Oakland is a bad place or that Los Angeles is a good place? no!) or that no one ever thought that the Chicago Bears would go undefeated in 1985. Pleeease. I was making a slight joke that you somehow took so personal that you have devoted a better part of your day to responding (and thinking about it). For my part, this is it. If you have more to say, well, say it to yourself or to others (spray paint it in Picadili- spelling). As for the childish comments -- whatever. I'm just having fun (aparently at your expense). It appears that you are the immature one who is playing the "crybaby" roll. Why not catch your breath and remind yourself how this geography/politics diatribe began .... I merely pointed out that I don't like the plethora of bogus rumors that people seem to cling too like the the Second Coming. I was referencing other events or concepts ("the G5's are coming, the G5's are coming") that were less than accurate -- hence my reference to Britainers' then belief that the little rebelleous colonies wouldn't stand a chance (didn't the Emperor think this of the Rebel Force in the Star Wars triligy? Same concept, get it? Or did you miss the reference that those guys lost in the end too?!)
If you are too serious or conservative (stuffy?) to have a little fun then I feel sorry for you. You are taking this waaaaayy to personal my well tanned, intelligent, whitty, easy-going, learned, athletic friend and generally-all-around-great-guy who lives in a lovely warm (and seldom wet, foggy, cold, damp, etc.) climate of the northern UK. [Pats Guys head and says 'there there, everything will be ok.']
Ever see Fish Called Wanda? Great movie. "England would have been the smallest f#@kin' province in the Russian Empire".
Hey did I mention that I love tea, shortbread, Yorkshire Pudding, London, Sting, Sean Connery (nice Scottish bloke), etc. Please, don't take me so seriously. You're liable to give yourself a heart-attack.