What's better ... ATI 8500 vs. ATI 9000?


I'm looking to get a new graphics card for my G4 AGP 450Mhz machine and I'm wondering if anyone knows which graphics card is better, the ATI 8500 or the ATI 9000. The ATI 8500 still cost about $200 before tax but I saw the ATI 9000 for $150. I was wondering why would ATI make the new card cheaper than the older card. Is the older ATI 8500 still better and that's why it cost more? Any ideas or suggestions would be great!!!

I bought my 8500 for $165 last summer (summer seems so long ago...)- I'll try and dig up where that was, but ATI did have a recent price drop and when you see it for $200ish someone is trying to take advantage of that (and you) or they aren't up to date.

I'm not up on all the specs and technical stuff, but the 8500 is the better card according to ATI and a few other sources. I actually switched out my 9000 on my new G4 and installed the 8500, but I think the main differences in the two cards related to 3D issues and since I do not game (not that there is anything wrong with it), I doubt I would have noticed a difference. Still, if you get a good price on a 8500, you might as well go with the 8500!
P.S. When I bought my 8500 it was for my G4 450 AGP and it was really a big improvement - you will be very happy. Things looked much sharper and window moving was much faster. Don't expect a big improvement in window resizing though - even with Quartz Extreme and the new card like an 8500, it is still jerky - even on my new DP 1 Ghz (Mail, IE, iPhoto...).

I ended up putting the 9000 that came with my DP 1 Ghz in the G4 450 when I sold it and like I said, there was no real discernable difference, but I had just bought the 8500 and didn't want to give it up. At the same time, while I love my DP 1 GHz for video stuff (Final Cut Pro...) the G4 450 is a great machine and can do almost anything you need. It was one of my favorite Macs (I have had nine now I think). I think a video card and more RAM are the best investments you can make in a G4 450.
i've tried scavaging the web & google but I couldn't find any good reviews of the ATI 8500 vs. ATI 9000. you mentioned in your 2nd post that other sources also verified that the ATI 8500 was a better card ... what sources are these? do you still have or know of the URLs so i can read up on the info myself? if you could post them, that'd be GREAT?! thanks ...