Whats on your desktop?

That's not your Powerbook, is it?

On my desktop, there's a lot of clutter, plus an iMac, a couple external drives, a lamp, some books... ;)
Simple, I used to have a zillion mods, in the end I got rid of all of em since all they do is slowing your computer down imo ... They can be fun to look at tho, but I for one do not find it life-saving to know what weather it is in Dubai, Albuquerque and the rest of the world :)

My simple, boring desktop

Edit: Maybe a little explanation, yes, I do have a load of junk, but I made a folder I called Temp and it's in the sidebar of any new window I open, so I can go there instantly. All the junk is in there. All my downloads get sorted in different folders through the application so they don't clutter the box and I have to go searching for something in particular. Basically everything I have is sorted almost instantly, I'm that boring. Nah, I just like a clean desktop, why I keep my desk relatively clean, and my room, and have this annoying twitch to clean up a bit at my girlfriends house when I'm there ...
You should get some ram Anarchy because none of the gui elements slow down my machine in the least. And I prefer having the weather and time up in the left-hand corner because a) it's where I am b) it's where my family lives and it's nice to know the time and weather there at a glance c) it's where I headed at the end of the week on business.

I also prefer a clean desktop, but not at the cost of not having what I want out there, when I want it and how I want it.
Arden said:
That's not your Powerbook, is it?
Yeah, why?

Altho, my other computers (in my sig) have the exact same desktop background. :D

On my desktop, there's a lot of clutter, plus an iMac, a couple external drives, a lamp, some books... ;)
Funny, that's not what he meant. :p

Full Size Here
Randman said:
You should get some ram Anarchy because none of the gui elements slow down my machine in the least. And I prefer having the weather and time up in the left-hand corner because a) it's where I am b) it's where my family lives and it's nice to know the time and weather there at a glance c) it's where I headed at the end of the week on business.

Ah, in that case. If I want something I just use a very extensive bookmarks bar :)

I have a gig ram atm, so I doubt that's a problem. No matter how you look at it tho, those thingies eat up power either way I figured, and I don't want to lose any power whatsoever cause it freaks me out constantly that I'm faster than my Mac. Which is why I'll be getting a G5 soon, hopefully it will be on par with the speed I do things ... I'm sure this is an annoyance most Mac users have, no matter how you look at it, Mac OS X has a slow GUI, nice, smooth, but slow. When PC users click something, they get it instantly (I _know_ there are exceptions).
Funny... everyone has such nice clean desktops...

Mine has defult backgrounds and a BILLION folders/files... Basically it's a mess like my real desk... and floor... etc...
I think most of the ppl move the whole Desktop content to another folder and then take a screenshot. ;)
I wish I could clean my place like this once I get visitors..
Zammy-Sam said:
I think most of the ppl move the whole Desktop content to another folder and then take a screenshot. .
Really? I don't mind apps such as Konfab and my busy but functional menubar but I usually never keep stuff on the desktop anymore. Too messy (which I could say as much in real life). Too bad there's not an F10 app for real life.
No, I hate anything being on my desktop. Notice I've even disabled all drives from showing up on my desktop. Besides the two folders, which are aliases to "Documents" and "Jobs", the only other things that ever show up on my desktop are temporary items that immediately get trashed or moved into their appropriate place.
Sogni, you could drag the original folders to the dock, kill the aliases and hide the dock for an even cleaner look.
Randman said:
Sogni, you could drag the original folders to the dock, kill the aliases

True... might do that. Just quicker to get things off my desktop this way. :p

and hide the dock for an even cleaner look.

As much as I hate the dock - I hate playing hide and seek with it even more. :/

Besides I sometimes have some tools on there I like seeing without hunting for them.
I don't mind the dock, sometimes it gets in the way since i have magnifcation always on, and i hate hiding it. One thing that is amazing is to see how soo many people have heaps and heaps of icons in their docks. Mine is just small and simple i guess.
Personally I put everything I use in there so I never have to go sift through folders. And I don't use a lot of applications (29 to be exact, not counting documents, but including the Finder) so that works out fine for me :D
I'm with anerki on this one. I have a dual-monitor setup and keep all my palettes on the right-hand screen with my dock off to the far right. It contains all the apps I use regularly. As it is well out of the way, it never gets in the way, but gives me instant access to everything I need.