What's The Weirdest This That Ever Happened To You?


What is the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?

Here's mine...

1. Mom and Dad get divorced. Dad moves to the other side of town. Mom, brother and I move to the country (out of the city). Dad has neighbors that later have kids. I baby sit for the neighbors and get to know the neighbors very well, almost like an extended family.

2. My brother meets a girl online. His girlfriend lives in the neighborhood where I lived with mom and dad before they divorced. Brother's girlfriend says to me "I have a friend I'd like to set you up with". "She lives a few houses away." I learn that she's a lawyer and works for the court system as a referee.

3. I work in another city 30 miles South from where I live. I talk to some coworkers about my brother's girlfriend setting me up with a lawyer who works for the city. Word spreads in the facility. Another worker comes to me and says "What's this I hear about you seeing a lawyer?". I say the girls first name and my coworker completes her last name, and starts laughing, turns and walks away. I ask "what's wrong with her?" He just shakes his head and says "good luck with her."

4. I talk to neighbors in (1) about my brother's girlfriend setting me up with this girl. The neighbors know the girl's family, and hesitates but eventually gives me the low-down on the WHOLE family situation - not good.

5. Facts: I went to grade school with the girl (K-2nd). When mom and dad divorced I went to another school system and did not see this girl for many years. During 6th grade I meet this girl again at camp. Three years ago, my brother's girlfriend tries to set me up with the same girl.

6. The weirdest thing: I cross paths with this girl 3 times in my life from childhood to adulthood. I know 3 people at the same time in my life, who don't know each other, but they all know ME and the GIRL.

This reminds me of an article I read in Discover Magazine (December 1998) title "Six Degrees of Separation". A mathematician suggests with a proof that any two people on Earth a no farther away than 6 people. John knows Tim(1) who knows Mary(2) who knows Theodore(3) who knows Gertrude(4) who knows Agnas(5) who knows Mike who knows QUEEN ELIZABETH.

According to this article, anyone reading this post is TWO degrees of separation from Jürgen Schremp, CEO of Mercedes Benz. I don't know the man, but someone I know, knows him.

well niles, i dont know if this is the weirdest thing that's happened to me, but your story reminded me of it. I once dated or had long relationships or got married with 5-6 women in a row, all of whom were friends with a female friend of mine named kit. yet only one pair of these girls knew each other before knowing me. It got really hard to see kit as a friend anymore because she was friends with all my ex's. i finally made it a rule that any girl i was going to be involved with couldn't be a friend of kits. now i'm about to celebrate 10 yrs with the woman i met shortly after making that rule.

kit was a wonderful person but that was just too weird after a while:eek:
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
This reminds me of an article I read in Discover Magazine (December 1998) title "Six Degrees of Separation". A mathematician suggests with a proof that any two people on Earth a no farther away than 6 people. John knows Tim(1) who knows Mary(2) who knows Theodore(3) who knows Gertrude(4) who knows Agnas(5) who knows Mike who knows QUEEN ELIZABETH.

According to this article, anyone reading this post is TWO degrees of separation from Jürgen Schremp, CEO of Mercedes Benz. I don't know the man, but someone I know, knows him.


Doesn't degrees of separation mean the number of people in between? So two degrees of separation would mean someone I know knows someone who knows the CEO of Mercedes Benz.
Well this is current...
I saw the girl I went to the prom with in my dream...how freaky is that! (freaky cause I did not go with her cause she was some sort of a beauty queen and I did not like her :p)

dude...it freaked me out :eek:
Here's a decent one...

Freshman in High School, hangin' with two groups. One group is a bunch of geeks. The geeks have the "goth" division and the other group is a bunch of "greasers." (high school was 2500 students)

Hung w/ the greasers at night, hung w/ geeks during the day.

Met a girl by the name of (Sue) Name changed to protect her. ;)

She hung out on the fringes of both groups, much like myself.

She went away for a bit, we didn't really talk anyway as she was nice, but I didn't really want to hang w/ her at the time.

Junior year we start to hang a little more, but then things go differently and we stop bein' friends. (Lost touch)

Graduation, she goes away, loosing touch. Group of greasers, geeks, and clubbers gets together. Well, there she is again. We start to hang, things go well, and we take two or three dates. Again, our ways seperate. (Her choice this time)

Two years pass. Making a website for a buddy who creates leather armour for a hobby (Makin' decent moneys) I also help him with that as I can. Now we're involved in a LARP, and more and more people are hearing about his armour.

This kid Dan from GHS (my alma mater) is coming up to pickup his gear he just payed for. Dan comes in with two or three people, I'm busy at work. I dicern two males and two females. Sure... Probably someone I've seen around, but whatever, I got some serious Java problems. So, as all good programmers do, I go outside for a cigarette. Bam, (Sue!) Dan!, Joe, Dina! Good God! (A very small geek contingent of my friends.)

(Sue) and I exchange data and keep in touch. Something blurs, and suddenly we're very close, living together and seriously considering engagement.

(Sue) decides to finish college, and shoots over to Indiana. I'm still in CT. :rolleyes:

Doesn't work out so well, so again I have to call it off.

Seems like either something wants us apart or together and It can't seem to make It's mind up. ;)

Well now I'm happily with someone, (comin' up on 3 years) It's a little odd...
Okay, I have one, this is strange... and it carries the theme of the posts so far.

The summer of my 7th grade year in school a family moves in just down the street from where I lived for only a year.

One of the girls who moved in was my same age and we immediately took interest in each other. We didn’t date that summer but continued to be friends in 8th grade. Her family moved about half way through the our 8th grade year and I thought that was the end of our friendship.

Turns out she moved there was some problem with her moving and she actually ended up in a neighbouring town about 20 miles east. But I had no idea. (we had kind of stop communicating when she found out she had to move).

Anyway, first year of High School, sure enough she’s in my class. I was amazed to see her. I really got to know her in High School, because we use to ride the transit bus home. So I spent a good hour a day talking to her about her day, etc.

Turns out she was born April 1st and I was born April 9th of the same year. Not too big of a deal, but, nonetheless a memorable fact.

We were ready to start dating each other but something always got in the way. I would be seeing someone and she wouldn’t or vis-versa. And the timing was very strange. We were always about a day or two off from break-up dates... So much so that we actually joked about it.

It was one of those things that you just can’t get done... And this went on for four years!

We never dated in High School at all. Meanwhile her family is ready to move our senior year in High School and again I thought this was the end of our relationship's progression.

Turns out her dad had problems with his job and the move never took place. Her mom and dad stay and she goes off to college in Arizona. (We lived in north-west Illinois)

While she was down in Arizona she was commuting and her car broke down. My mom and dad were visiting family down there and noticed her along side the street with her hood open. The car had broken down right outside of my uncle’s house. My mom and dad didn’t even know who she was, but invited her in to my uncles’ house to make the necessary calls to get her car towed.

I happened to call my uncle’s house to check up on my mom and dad at that exact moment. I heard her voice in the background. I didn’t recognize the voice as family, so I asked my mom who it was. She told me the story and I jokingly asked my mom “what’s her name? I need to find a girlfriend.”

My mom told me her name and of course I knew her. She got on the phone and we talked for awhile. Turns out that she wasn’t dating anyone either. Of course, she was hundreds of miles away, so we simply joked back and forth about the idea that we couldn't date each other because of fait.

I was so shocked about the chance encounter I said, “It’s because we share the same birth year and month... We’re drawn to each other.”

Fast forward two years. I am visiting a friend in Madison Wisconsin. I am driving along and I am joking with my friend that the intersection we were approaching is ‘Raymond’ and ‘Murfield’ and my dad’s name is Raymond Merfeld. Just as we said this sure enough this girl comes up to the window of my car and says hi. It’s the girl from high school!

I pull over. We talked and we found out that we were living in the same town in Northern Iowa and didn’t even know it! We actually started dating that day. Neither of us lived in Madison (which was 200 miles from out home town) at the time, although I was thinking of moving there in college.

Now this is where it gets weird, because we dated and it was one of those relationships where the expectation of it was greater then the relationship itself. I think we dated for a year and we broke up. I remember thinking back on the continuing birthday joke, and how fondly I felt about that teasing.

Fast forward a few years and a few relationships and enter present day girlfriend. I met her at work, and was instantly attracted to her. After going out on a date, I found out that her birthday was the exact same as the girl from highschool. (April 1st) and we shared the same birthday year.

I told her the above story and when I came to the Madison part, she stepped back in surprise. The year I met up with the girl from high school, my current girlfriend lived in Madison in an apartment building on (you guessed it) ‘Raymond’ and ‘Murfiled’.

After dating for a year, we moved to Madison. We are set to get engaged this year. We didn’t move to the intersection in question, but it remains to this day one of the strangest things that has ever happened to me.
Oooh, creepy, evildan. My vote (as if I had one, or that it matters) goes to you! :D

Unfortunately I have no such creepy stories to tell. *homer bows out in shame*