whats up with the GIMP???

Well, VIM seemed to be working as far as the terminal screen... Do I need to start X11 then try again? I've also ran the Gimp installer, but it does not show up in /usr/local/bin/gimp...
OK, so if I use TinkerTool to see invisibles, I can find /usr/local/bin/gimp, but it doesnt work from the terminal command.
Oh, I just did a long post on how to install the GIMP using Fink, but it appears that you installed the OpenDarwin version instead. In this case, quoting from the OpenDarwin.org website, the command for running the GIMP is '/usr/local/bin/gimp-1.2 --no-shm --no-xshm'
This command must be entered into the X11 application, not the terminal, by the way.

Please let me know if this works for you.
that's the command for the first launch. after that, /usr/local/bin/gimp-1.2 will do it. at least it did for me.
Well, I've been happily twiddling with my new fink install of GIMP and I've got it tweaked a little and cleaned up alot, but I cant help but notice the half a gig of usr/ on my drive from an install of the openDarwin install I tried.

There is another running version of GIMP in my usr/ file (and vim as well). What do I do to get rid of these things? Does the usr file contain my X11 and quartz-wm or is it another copy, too that I already have in sw.

Just wondering how to uninstall darwinports, as thier FAQ is focused on experienced developers, and hardly about users.
yea, i seem to have 2 seperate gimps as well. the fink install works despite all these exceptions for things not found while the opendarwin one launches perfectly but now won't display the pics properly. they are just black, or maybe black with some bits of color static in a few places. how to get rid of the useless parts would be nice to know.
ok, after using tinkertool to show my hidden files, i removed the .gimp-1.2 from my home folder. then when i started from the fink install it went thru the gtk interface builder all over again and now it launches flawlessly. and the original open darwin gimp folder is in fact empty and seems to point to the fink install. i'm pretty sure i don't have 2 copies and that the one i wanted to work is now fine.
If you have installed a .mpkg of GIMP (such as the darwinports one from opendarwin.org) and a fink install of gimp, and you want to get rid of the .mpkg, here is a link to an application called OSXPM that will remove installed pkg's. Ironically, this little app is also a mpkg...and it installs into the Utilities folder.

I got my ~400MB back after I used it to remove gimp.mpkg, and my fink 'sw/' gimp still works fine!