What's with the LAG?!?

Originally posted by arden
I have often noticed the Windows partial redraw "featurette." I like the way it resizes simple windows, but it's because it's a dumber OS. OS 9 is actually the loser in all of this because resizing windows isn't dynamic; rather, you get a ghost outline, which, while efficient, is ugly and has its drawbacks.
Adobe apps appear to be using this ghost outline feature in their OS X apps (at least Photoshop and Illustrator). Apparently Adobe thinks OS X's windows are too slow too?
Originally posted by MDLarson
Adobe apps appear to be using this ghost outline feature in their OS X apps (at least Photoshop and Illustrator). Apparently Adobe thinks OS X's windows are too slow too?

If I remember correctly, Office does the same thing as well. I'm guessing many of the "early" ported apps used this (i.e. build when window resizing REALLY sucked), and I don't believe it's a cocoa- or carbon-only thing.

It looks like this is a programmer-specifiable option. One advantage I see is that in Windows it's a *user*-configurable option, which is what I'd rather see in OS X, though as time moves on it's mattering less and less.
That I believe has to do with most (if not all) Adobe apps of being Carbon based and not Cocoa... Or if you prefer left overs from OS 9 code :p
I would gladly take ghosted window outlines until the OS gets up to speed. It's almost there for me though [window resize speed], so I suspect I won't care anymore as I start switching to the G5s.