What's wrong with Entourage X? It crashes after launching


I have a powerbook G4 550mhz with lots of ram. Often Entourage X unexpectedly quits after I've launched it. I get the splash screen and the application window and then, when checking for new mail, it just quits. I have no idea what it can be. It's unpredictable and I haven't been able to see a pattern.

Does anybody have any suggestions?
Why not Mail.app? It doesn't crash. At all. Seriously, tho', only use MS garbage for compatibility if you absolutely have to. Excel files, etc... Other than that, why bother with Redmond's bull$hit? Life is too short...
Have you tried doing the whole fsck dance yet?

I could comment on using MS software (MS! Ick ick ick! :D ), but as I have seen in other threads it seems that Entourage can do things that Mail can't. Or something like that. :)
It's the entire Entourage/Outlook engine. The same thing happens in Outlook all the time. It's because Micraoft didn't really write Entourage as a mac app. It was a bad port of a bad windows app. Outlook and Entourage are both the same crappy engine. The only MS stuff I like Is Word, Excel and PowerPoint, because they are used in the Windows owrld so much, and that they're probably the most stable of all the Mac MS products.
Yeah, what Hypernate said.

Seriously though, I've never seen a stable M$ product for the Mac. I purchased M$ Office X through the University for $20.00 (REALLY good student discount), and I only use it when I have to. I never write anything important in M$ Word, because I've lost several documents (in progress) in it (papers, research, etc...). Excel crashes the least, Powerpoint crashes the most, and Word somewhere in the middle. The ONLY thing I use M$ Office X for is compatibility with the Wintel world, and of course, some features or special formatting for word processing. I always use TextEdit for word processing for long periods of time, copying and pasting into M$ Word for the final product. I don't know if anyone else here has had similar performance (crashing) with Office X. I certainly expected more from Office X than M$ delivered, but then again, I only paid $20.00 for it. And it was purchased legally for that low price.
Word X rarely crashes on my G4 400 AGP 512 ram. However PowerPoint usually crashes about once every presentation I'm working on.
Is Entourage checking a Hotmail account? If so, do you have the Hotmail update for Entourage? When first released, it couldn't handle Hotmail accounts (ironic, eh?).
Much as I hate to say anything nice about the Evil Empire, Entourage is a better email client than Mail.app in several ways. It allows mail rules with multiple criteria, for one thing. And Mail.app cannot forward messages to Spamcop.com properly. Due to Mail.app's inability to deal effectively with spam, I have now switched all but one of my email accounts to Entourage.
Originally posted by genghiscohen
And Mail.app cannot forward messages to Spamcop.com properly. Due to Mail.app's inability to deal effectively with spam, I have now switched all but one of my email accounts to Entourage.

You are aware that forwarding spam to spamcop is useless, right? :D
When all it takes is one click on an AppleScript, why not do it? :p
I know it's not gonna stop the SOBs, but maybe it'll aggravate them some.
Actually, I have my Entourage anti-spam rules tweaked to the point where no spam has made it to my inbox for a month or so.

If you have a bootleg copy of Entourage, and are connecting to an MS Exchange server it will automatically quit when it sees the 'real' user online at the same time.

Scary huh?
Although Mail is not as feature rich as entourage I'm going to give it a try to see how I like it. Hopefully Apple will release updates to it to make it better.


I've seen Entourage crah repeatedly if there is a message sitting on the server that it does not like. I've always been able to login to my ISP's web email tool to delete the offending message (it is always SPAM) and then Entourage works fine again.

If you have Entourage set to download mail on startup, then I'd bet that is your problem...
M ail.app freaks out with boxes that have massive amount of mail. My work email has 1000s of letters.. in Mail, the menu colors change and it locks it I use that mail account. :(

Originally posted by chenly
Why not Mail.app? It doesn't crash. At all. Seriously, tho', only use MS garbage for compatibility if you absolutely have to. Excel files, etc... Other than that, why bother with Redmond's bull$hit? Life is too short...
I spent 3 hours on Thursday cleaning out my work email box. I was thrilled because I managed to reduce it from 2600 messages to 1200.

Out Outlook (Exchange actually) servers at work will diable sending mail once our box gets really full. Is that what Mail is reacting to?
Dear All,

Slag off Entourage X if you must, but at the end of the day it's a hell of a lot better than Mail.App. Does Mail.App do newsgroups, calendar, tasks, no. I tried Mail.App and I dump it after two days as it was slow as fu*k and I was getting duplicate email messages as I optioned to leave original message on the POP server.

Anyway, there are two reasons why Entourage X might be crashing. One is a corrupt font and two a corrupt database file.

The solution for the corrupt font is to locate it and remove it. The easiest way to do that is select half your fonts and remove them. Start up Entourage and if it works then the corrupt font is in the half you remove. Then it's just a question of replacing them slowly but surely.

First, before doing the Font solution, I would rebuld the Entourage database. All you do is double-click the app while holding down the 'Option' key. Select 'Advanced'.

Hope it helps
Thanks Cockneygeezer! I rebuilt the database using the advanced function and now everything works perfectly, no crashes at all. After using Mail for a few days, I'm actually quite happy to go back to entourage - mainly because of the way mail handles folders and also the lack of many of the small, useful features of Entourage. There is actually lots to like about entourage. Mail is fine, but mainly for basic email handling.

Thanks again!
