What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

First: Aqualung I think you're very, very wrong (as you can read).

Second: What about MacStudents? I know that many companies have lower prices for students, but then, the prices are still very high!

I mean, almost everbody uses Microsoft Office. You can say this isn't true but it IS :o

As a modern Macuser, you should run Mac OS X 10.1.2 and Microsoft Office v. X, if you want to read Word-files, etc.

Oh, you want to draw some things? Photoshop and Illustrator would be nice?

Oh, you want to make some nice pics for your website? After Effects, Fireworks, Flash, would be nice :rolleyes:

So if you are a student (like me), you simply CAN'T afford all these expensive programs!

What do you think?

AppleWatcher :p
Applewatcher I am defending here the European post counts. Now I own the third place in post counts. Ed Spruiel has taken the second place from me. I have also something to do with the "Open Universiteit Nederland".
Exactly, AppleWatcher.

Originally posted by Hervé Hinnekens
Applewatcher I am defending here the European post counts. Now I own the third place in post counts. Ed Spruiel has taken the second place from me. I have also something to do with the "Open Universiteit Nederland".

What place am I on? :p
i think the big question here Applewatcher, is do you feel justified yet? have you gotten enough other people to admit to your 'crime' to make it right in your own eyes? or is your conscience still poking around in there?

would you feel any different if a bunch of people jumped on here and said you were scum of the earth? or that you should all go to prison?

my point is - what do other people's opinions have to do with whether anybody engages in this sort of activity?

i don't by the way. i am tempted at times but i don't download illegal software even when it's just sitting right there in front of me.

btw - did anybody see a few weeks ago where about 50 people all got raided for use and distribution of pirated software? The feds are not exactly going door to door, but they are out to get the flagrant ones.;)
Heh, yeh, but they're only putting the distributors in prison, I think, they don't care about the downloaders, so for now I'm safe (I think I'll avoid putting my full name here, though :p )
i think the big question here Applewatcher, is do you feel justified yet? have you gotten enough other people to admit to your 'crime' to make it right in your own eyes? or is your conscience still poking around in there?

Ed I really don't like this kind of talking! :mad:
Do you think you know I am using illegal software or not?
I'm just asking people for their opinion, you understand :o

Maybe YOU are using Gigabytes of illegal software; we don't know. That's not the point.

AppleWatcher :p
Don't be afraid of him he is a psychiater. Don't go to him. He's not the guy from the BSA(business software alliance). It's Patrick Vijverman. He came from WordPerfect and has worked for Oracle.
Can someone fill me in on macwarez. I dont have a clue what you guys are talking about and would love to learn. Where do i go to macwarez?
Ithink if you use it private its oke to use warez ... But if you have a bussiness,
you never ever may use warez !!

I download a lot of stuff from hotline movies, software, games , but i only use it for private !
ShareWare is GoodWare ;)

I've used ColorIt for years, (legally! :rolleyes: ), and it works perfectly... too bad the developer haven't released an update for two years or something... but it still works perfectly in Classic :)