Heh, interesting thread. Well, just 'cause some posters have done / are doing "Liberal arts" stuff, don't let that put you off career stuff any.
If it's of any interest to any of the kids out there

I did American Studies here in the UK, specialising in literature... I went to a school in the US for a year as part of my degree, and studied in liberal arts there.
I came back from the US in 1994, did my final year in the UK, and went straight into a job with a Big Six accountancy firm (now the Boig Five!), as a... trainee chartered accountant.
Did that for three years, then moved into programming. I've now been coding for 3.5 years with the same firm. I started with web / Lotus Notes & Domino stuff, but I'm also moving in to Java (esp J2EE). I've touched upon some VB stuff through experience with Lotusscript, and so on, but Java's defintely the way to go...
So there we are. Now, if I could just get a new Mac, I could really start rolling with Java and maybe Cocoa! You can be a programmer without doing CS / math degrees. Kind of
And contrary to what many think, it's extremely interesting! I've gotten to do basic graphic design, page layout, JavaScript, web programming, etc. etc. Then, with the more "hard-core" code stuff, if you like problem solving as I do, go for it!