WhatSize shows the file - nothing else does


Got surprised of having only 16 Gb left on my iMac hd. I had a look into it with WhatSize, and there it was, on my (admin) desktop: a dmg named Leopard OSX image.dmg, and a folder with same name (wo dmg) containing almost everything I ever had on my previous computer half an year ago.

Its a known feature of WhatSize that it can show almost any hidden file, but these files are not only hidden, but possibly decrypted, because I find no easy way to make them visible (tried the terminal commands and some switching programs).

Is there anything else I could try?
Hello franssales & welcome to the forums :)

This folder in your Admin acct, is it invisible? Only discovered through using WhatSize?
Do you want to delete it? Then simply go to Terminal and type

sudo rm -rf "Full Path To Folder Name"

If your username is franssales and the file/foldername is exactly as you've stated, it looks like this:

sudo rm -rf "/Users/franssales/Desktop/Leopard OSX image/"

to remove both the folder and the image within.
The files are located in the admin desktop folder. I have disvovered them with also Finder and PathFinder, with no result.
I do not want to delete it, but if i find no other way I will try to do it file by file, trying at least to get to know what I have and what i dont in my backups.