I'm happy to hear you got some results.
I'd like to think that Apple still comes through for its customers, in spite how difficult it is to get that result.
I have also been a hardcore Apple fan for many years and have talked countless friends into buying Macs, as we all have (9 so far, what is that, $15-25,000?). Its always been a positive experience for those people. It seems that when Apple gets it right, they really get it right- when a Mac works it is still, undoubtedly, the best best choice you can make.
But I'm not confident recomending them these days, and that makes me sadder than you know. Apple has always relied on its users to be their best advertisements, and with the severing of the Circut City relationship it seems that their users recomendations are more important now than ever. I'd like to believe that that relationship ended because C.C. has never truely been behind Apple- and not because Apple wants complete control over the selling/ return process. It was almost impossible for them to enforce their strict return policy while honoring a retail outlet's 30 day money back guaranty.
What really bothers me is how little access potential buyers have to any negative comments about their Apple experience, which would allow them to be more informed customers. And its NOT because those horror stories aren't out there. You just have to dig for them- but once you really start looking the sheer amount of similar experiences are unbelievable. For instance:
and various newsgroups
It doesn't help that Apple seems to attempt to supress these comments through "nondisclosure agreements" and the restriction against complaining about tech and service experiences in their discussion areas. If it comes to their attention that you've said anything negative about Apple in the Discussion areas on their site they remove it, no matter how resonably you state your case. Although many of these coments remain on the site I watch them disappear daily.What I find really disturbing about it is that other Mac users (who I used to think of as "family") are the ones reporting anyone complaining to the admin themselves. Any complaining is seen as chipping away at that 5%.
It just seems so backwards, instead of addressing the issue of bad support, they sidestep it by removing feedback links (remember Tell Steve?) and force you to deal with them one on one (or 2, or 10, however many it takes!)
If Apple winds up addressing my problem I will still reccomend them, I will still sing their praises- but with warnings added and a lot of reservations.
Perhaps it was just time that I got realistic; 5% is what, 1.3 billion or something? They ARE big business, they ARE just a company (not a religious group, of which I was a member) and they're Not the same company I grew up with. I guess I just had to grow up-not to sound to corny but I kinda feel like I just found out that my parents were tragically human, and not the gods I thought they were. Reality can just be depressing sometimes.
sorry for rambling