When are Apple going to fix this window focus bug

You may state it's a bug how much you like, it's not a Mac OS X bug, and it's Macromedia who ought to fix this by using the open/save SHEETS instead of a window. Because if you click a window in Mac OS X, that window is brought to the front, NOT the application (however when you use the application switcher or the Dock, you _do_ switch to an application and all of its windows are brought to the front).

Mac OS X is _designed_ this way. It's DEFINITELY not a bug, eric, it's a feature. And Macromedia (along with other Carbon app makers) are ignoring the sheets feature, which _solves_ the problem. And very beautifully so, I might add...
Ahh, let's call the whole thing off... :)

No really, I would call it an unwanted anomaly. But regardless of what we label this instance as, it's still annoying eric.

I can understand your frustration eric, I just don't share it. I'm constantly looking at the best way to toggle from one application to the next and I use Expose almost exclusively now. If I don't see a window I want, I simply click my center mouse button and find it. (I set my center mouse button as my trigger).

It's pretty handy.

Although, I do have to say, some programs are a bit more persistent about their save dialogs. And unlike OS9, they are NOT consistent with one another. The save dialog behavior seems to be left up to the application, not the OS.

My recommendation is to do what I do, don't pause between the time you click save and when you actually save. The only time I tend to pause is when I'm searching for another file, perhaps to compare names, but then I jump right back to the application to finish the saving process.
Yeah I didn't mean for this to get into fisticuffs, anyway I should have made my title a little less of a Apple problem.

Sorry fryke lets agree to disagree I still think its a bug be it because of Macromedia, Adobe or whatever. Yes sheets are beautiful and should be used throughout I never said otherwise.

evildan, too true, I like the unwanted anomaly tag. I might change the title to 'When are Apple developers going to fix this unwanted anomaly' ;)

Anyway it doesn't happen all that often and now I know how I'm doing it I'll refrain.

Thanks for all your interesting responses.

no worries eric... you can speak your mind here... Albeit a mac community which aggressively defends Apple, it's observations like yours that truly help with the development of the OS and it's components.

If we all agreed that the OS was perfect, we wouldn't need to have this forum.
I still think its a bug be it because of Macromedia, Adobe or whatever. I think this too. But it could be carbon vs coca or whatever. I don't know how all this works.
You are complaining about a feature, not a bug.

To get what you want, click the application icon in the dock.
Then all windows of the app you clicked will be in front.