When leopard installs will it reset my hard-drive like a PC?


When leopard installs will it reset my hard-drive like a PC?

Basically I have a lot of essential programs installed, such as FCP which I dont have the discs for anymore and I dont want to loose these programs, but I really want to upgrade to leopard.

many thanks
hm. you don't have the disks to FCP anymore? too bad. kinda expensive to lose those disks. either way: from 10.4 you can upgrade quite easily without losing any settings and such. the harddrive-erasing is an _option_, not the default way of installing the OS.
Yeah it sucks, when I moved house the removal vans 'misplaced' quite a lot of my discs of very expensive software.

Looks like Im gonna go ahead and upgrade then assuming it wont overwrite my installed applications, thanks very much for your help mate. If anyone else has anything to add ontop of this go rite ahead, Im open to views from everybody.
Well: The usual caveats apply...

1.) Is all your software compatible with 10.5.x?
If not, you have to find updates before or after upgrading.

2.) Have you backed up your harddrive completely to an external drive? (Clone)
If you don't have a backup, I wouldn't recommend upgrading until you do. There can always something go wrong, you know...

Also: If you have anything APE (Application Enhancer, Haxies etc.) installed, remove them before upgrading. There's a known bug with APE stuff (and various other problems with those haxies per se) that prevents Leopard from booting correctly.