when re installing system do we loose installed font??


hi there,

i couldn't found the answer on the forum!! when re installing the OSX do we loose the installed font??? and can we put the font in other folder in case..


Isn't that just saying, "yes, you loose all your fonts?" I don't have a clue myself but was just wondering as I am starting to collect a nice mix of fonts.
You would lose all the fonts you installed yourself after the system was installed. You would still have all the system fonts on a new install.

Archive and Install will preserve and fonts installed in the User Folder.
In other words, all the fonts you have before would have been loosed out into digital heaven and you would lose any extra fonts that didn't come included with the installation discs. :D

Hey, it's almost quittin' time for me, so I can make a funny (even if it's not so funny :D).
oops !! i tought that bobw means that installed font will stay !!!

so that is a problem ! can we put the new installed fonts in any other folder that is far away from the system folder ???
He meant that once you perform the installation, the system fonts that were there before get reinstalled along with the rest of the system. Any fonts that you added will be gone unless you reinstall them yourself (since they didn't originally come with the OS X installation).

And yes, you should be able to grab the fonts and move them to another folder (I haven't done this so I wouldn't be sure exactly how, but I believe it would all be done through the Font Book).
So... Let's wrap this up and make it clear.

1.) Reinstalling the OS generally will do away with anything you've added yourself. So: Make a backup.

2.) If you burn a CD or DVD with the fonts, you'll have them in a safe place when reinstalling the OS.

The fonts that came with the system _of course_ won't be lost by reinstallation of the OS. Or rather: They're _lost_ but automatically _reinstalled_ along with the system...

So: YES, of course you can copy the fonts to a safe place. Just make sure that "safe place" is actually safe and not just a folder that gets erased when you install the OS again. Hence my tip with using a CD or DVD for that.
You know, fonts are a funny subject.

First of all putting fonts in any other folder out side of your home folder is asking for trouble. You shouldn't be adding fonts to Library/Fonts or System/Library/Fonts (nor should you really be removing any from these places either).

The best place for fonts is in ~/Library/Fonts or in any other folder within your home folder (if you are using something like Suitcase or Font Book).

On the subject of What happens when I reinstall?, that depends on what type of reinstallation you are planning on.

If you Erase and Install... yes, your fonts are going to be gone (along with anything else you had on the volume).

If you Archive and Install... there is a good chance that fonts outside of your home folder will be spared (if you are having the installer save settings and the like) and anything inside your home folder will absolutely be untouched.


So offbeat, really none of us knows what is going to happen to your fonts because you haven't told us what type of reinstallation you are planning on. Plus we have no idea how you've been managing your fonts (where you've been installing them on your system).
RacerX said:

If you Archive and Install... there is a good chance that fonts outside of your home folder will be spared (if you are having the installer save settings and the like) and anything inside your home folder will absolutely be untouched.

Following an Archive and Install, user fonts that had been stored in the /Library/Fonts/ folder remain in that folder in the /Previous Systems folder. This option does not endanger any of your fonts.
My concern in this area is that I have noticed that a number of fonts that I quite like have been installed for me by various programs. I want to keep and preserve those fonts even if I don't want to reinstall proggy x, y or z. I figure that if they are installing those fonts for system wide use they are mine to use, no?

For instance, even if you don't like iWeb. It does come with a couple of nice $35 fonts.
What concern? Drag the contents of the Fonts folder in your Previous Systems to the Fonts folder in your active System. All of your old fonts are active once again. What could be easier?