When will iChat AV work with Windows?


I have an iSight and iChat AV, and its nice, and really well designed, and it works great, but I want to be able to talk with people on Windows computers. Does anyone know anything about any products in the work, or when they will be available?
Yday i just plug out my iSight from my G4 and plug in to my Windows XP to test out this fantastic WebCam.

It works perfectly except the build-in MIC needs Windows driver and some minor tweaking. Obviously, u have to get a 3rd party MIC and plug in to your PC if you wanna video conference with voice.

I believe most ppl will be more interested whether this web cam can works in MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger. So i decided to post up some screen shots.

Some people complain that it gives u a plain white screen when you plug in Isight for the first time. Yeap, Is true.

But you can change the settings either in MSN or Yahoo without any third party driver.
Here's the config thing (Yahoo interface is almost the same)

You can have more settings by click on the advance button.
after adjusting your brightness. Thats it, u can start to use your iSight.

So, PC users can now go and grab your iSight from AppleStore and plug it to your PC. BTW, don't forget to purchase a FireWire Card and MIC as well. ;)
But that wasn't the question. The user wants to use his Mac and iSight to talk to Windows users using whatever Webcams they happen to have.

There's a rumour that AIM will get iChat AV interoperability for AV chats soon. Maybe we'll hear more today...
I want Microsoft to get off their @$$ and do some work on MSN for Mac. I know they don't care about it, but really, if my PC friends want to talk to me on Webcam ( I have a DV Camera that works great with iChat, they usually aren't prepared to download Yahoo messenger just to talk on Webcam, when their version of MSN supports webcam. All but one of my friends uses AIM. And the one who does works for Apple so uses iChat, so go figure.
cfleck said:
where did you hear this? i've been waiting too.
I SO want this to be possible - international phone calls outside my company are KILLING me (and I can't afford to buy everyone I deal with a Mac!)

All I've found so far is this :


However, each option given is a "pay-as-you-go / sign up" type scheme, and that's not what iChat is all about - we've got the connection, we've got the camera - so Let's Talk!

Soon, hopefully, soon!
