Where can I sell my $h!tty PC?

BlingBling 3k12

Somewhere... dunno though
I bought my new iMac... GREAT!
Got my "Pay Off" price for PC... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a hella lot of money... I have to pay the 3 years remaining financing... along with what I still owe! I can probably get it paid off by the time I die... well, maybe 1 day before then... but anyways......

I need to sell it somewhere... a good reliable source... I checked eBay for computers like mine and they're not getting very much...

Is there anyone that will help me sell this... I'll say how much the pay off price is only if someone is interested and by then i'll probably even have 1/3 the price...

i've already paid off in excess of $860...

please help me! if i don't sell this, i'll have to sell my new iMac as soon as I recieve it (so I can get a good price on eBay)


Specs are below and if interested, l'll try to include anything else you or whoever would want (such as new peripherals or software titles)

send me a private message if you have any questions
i'll also include all my retail software and hardware, along with all the other great programs that I've gotten....

Retail Software: Ones I've Bought
Encarta Enclyclopedia Standard 2002
Flight Simulator 2000
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
Rainbow Six Rogue Spear
SimCity 3000

Other Programs: Acquired from school... teacher gave me "old" software...
Adobe Photoshop 6
Macromedia Fireworks 4
Microsoft FrontPage 2002
Microsoft Office 2000 Professional

PC comes loaded with either Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 Professional, or maybe even Windows XP Home (haven't bought it yet)

I can also put RedHat Linux 7.1 on it's own partition if you want.

I will also add an extra 256 MB of RAM if available at the time (making it total 512)
I hate to say it, but you probably wont get much for a computer like that. I'm trying to sell my PC now, here's the specs: 1.4GHz TBird, 512mb PC2100 DDR RAM, GeForce3 Ti200, 60gig IBM HD, 20gig WD HD, Lian Li aluminum case (top of the line), window mod on the side, two cold cathode black lights in the case (check pics at my homepage, http://homepage.mac.com/jokell82/). I've put over 2 grand into this thing, and now I'm going to get a new iMac instead...

I'm hoping to get $1000-$1250 based on the market right now. It is not a good time to be selling a PC.:(

[EDIT]Forgot some stuff: Pioneer 16x Slot Loading DVD, TDK 24x CDRW, WinXP Pro, Office XP, Photoshop 6.0, GoLive, and TONS of other software.[/EDIT]
I ended up giving my PC away. It had cost me over $2000 but, after 16 months, was only worth $300 max! I was so offended at the drop in value I gave it away to my sister.
blingbling my friend, let me give you a lesson in marketing. first copy all the info you have provided about what you have to sell. then delete this thread (finish reading this 1st:p ) start a new one in the classifieds section. do not put your computer down. instead point out the positive things about it. despite the general climate of distaste for pc's there are people here who use them or know people who do. be positive in your ad. no one wants to buy something that the seller says is sh*tty. look around at other camparable computers and put a price on it. you can always come down if somebody comes close. in fact you should start by asking a little more than what you expect to get, just don't use words like "firm" or "non negotiable". who knows, you might find someone to pay your asking price.
now take that same 'ad' and post it as many places as you can. make a copy and put it up at the grocery store, the post office, anywhere they will let you. tell everyone you know that you want to sell it. don't lie about how "great it is" but be truthful about the positives it does have. and never say it is the peice of **** that we both believe in our hearts that all pc's are. but it seems to me if i remember right that a bunch of people here rated the dell as one of the best non mac computers - good for runnning linux.
if you've got any questions, you know how to pm me or use email.:)
unless you need the cash to eat or something, don't bother selling your computer...

a few hundred bucks doesn't get you anywhere... you can just keep the damn thing, and use it as a server... or experiment on it...

if you actually need to sell this thing to pay for your new imac... then i just dunno what to say... get another job?
beef.... i've got 2 jobs... and i'm 14... i don't think i can handle another one :D

and ed, thanks for the advice... i will do that.... my computer isn't really bad at all, but compared to the new iMac, it sucks big time...
Try your local computer store (mom and pop) if there is one. Generally they dupe people into buying equipment for outrageous prices so they wont mind using your computer for parts.

Other than that your on your own. Also, ebay will get you just about nothing for you computer, they're just too common, and the hardware changes too quickly.

Now, firsthand, you have learned why a PC is called a commodity and a Mac is called a computer.:D

Good luck, being young and without money sucks.
Try to sell your PC @ your parents. Do well in school, be nice @ home. Try to understand them, don't waste your money!
One thing I'll say is if yer a gamer don't sell it. If you are not then sell it. I keep my pc cus I'm a gamer. If I didn't game I would not use windows.
I'm going to use VirtualPC if I have to play games... and i'm not much of a gamer anyways... just little games like Lineage and Ultima Online (RPG Internet Multiplayer Games)
BlingBling you are underage. Speak @ your parents about your computermess. It prevents you from the police and the psychiaters. Every1 can read this, so you are growing up.
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
I'm going to use VirtualPC if I have to play games... and i'm not much of a gamer anyways... just little games like Lineage and Ultima Online (RPG Internet Multiplayer Games)

I hope you're joking. Virtual PC (at least version 5 on X) is slower than my balls in molasses. :D It also doesn't have support for 3d acceleration, so forget trying to play most 3d games (UO is 2D I think, but the new one is going to be 3D). If you do plan to play any games, keep that Windows box around. Maybe put Lindows on there, or a distro of Linux with WINE. But the PC is by far the superior platform for games (but not for much else :D).
Yes it is intended 4 the goozesgame (my first I had to learn) that Bill Gates wanted from me @ Brussels, he did receive in place something to eat.
Don't worry, use VirtualPC 5 under OS 9 and you can play the two mentioned games. Don't bother trying it under OS X, it's to slow.

Under classic, I can even play Quake 1 in VPC!!! (though I tend to normally play it under OS X ;)

Ultima Online should work under VPC in OS 9, IIRC it is the same graphics engine as U8.

You can compare the speed of VPC running Win98 under OS 9 to a 400 to 500 Mhz P2, at least that's what my benchmarks show.

Then again, if I was you, I'd keep the PC. I sold mine and I have to agree, I bought myself one again a few weeks back. I used to be a gamer until I started my "career" in a company. I had no more time to play many games, so I didn't miss them, but now, after some time, I really wanted to play AvP 2, MoH:AA, Ultima 9 (again) and other stuff which just isn't available for the mac.

If there is ANY way (and normaly, there is one) and if you have to beg someone on your knees, keep the PC.
Originally posted by ulrik
Don't worry, use VirtualPC 5 under classic and you can play the two mentioned games. Don't bother trying it under OS X, it's to slow.

Under classic, I can even play Quake 1 in VPC!!! (though I tend to normally play it under OS X ;)

Ultima Online should work under VPC in Classic, IIRC it is the same graphics engine as U8.

You can compare the speed of VPC running Win98 under Classic to a 400 to 500 Mhz P2, at least that's what my benchmarks show.

Then again, if I was you, I'd keep the PC. I sold mine and I have to agree, I bought myself one again a few weeks back. I used to be a gamer until I started my "career" in a company. I had no more time to play many games, so I didn't miss them, but now, after some time, I really wanted to play AvP 2, MoH:AA, Ultima 9 (again) and other stuff which just isn't available for the mac.

If there is ANY way (and normaly, there is one) and if you have to beg someone on your knees, keep the PC.

Well look at the machine you are running. You have the best mac desktop available. Of course you'll get better speeds in VPC. Now lets look at a iMac 800 (assuming that is what the poster is getting) in X running VPC 5. Although not too much slower than yours, there will be less RAM and I believe the graphics card has half the memory (correct me if I'm wrong on that one). VPC will be virtually useless, I'm guessing about a 300-350MHz P2 equivalent, which is sh*t.

If you want games, keep the PC, no questions about that.
1) DO NOT RUN VPC UNDER OS X. It's that easy. Run it in OS 9 and it is easily four or five times as fast as under OS X.

2) Video card doesn't matter. It's completely emulated under VPC. All the rendering is done in a software buffer before the buffer is passed to the "real" card to display it. At least that's how it is explained in the Connectix Forums.

3) I am also running VPC on a 500 Mhz Cube, which should equal the iMac he gets, and even there, VPC in OS 9 runs REALLY fine! It WILL run Ultima Online.