Where did "Number of Items: go?


It seems like a little thing, but when you work with tons of files on a daily basis, it's helpful to know exactly how many files are involved.

When I saw how good OS X was at updating the window contents, I expected to have an indication of how many total items were in a given folder, maybe even a dynamic count of how many items I had selected (please please please) but at the very least a simple total.

With the loss of the Labels function, and now discovering this oversight, I am becoming rapidly disappointed at the shortcomings of the Finder. What used to be a smooth and intelligent user experience is quickly becoming irritating. I shouldn't have to search out third-party software to count how many files I've got.

Is this feature hiding somewhere? Is it merely a clever command-line string away? Please tell me so or bring it back, quick.


Dur. Looks like View -> Show Status Bar solves my problem. Color me dumb.

Thanks gumse!