Where do you get bluetooth cell phones?


You are a litle girlyman
Bluetooth looks awsome, I saw the demo that Jobs did with iSync and the cell phone where he loaded all the contact info in one step.

Problem is, I don't have a bluetooth enabled phone, and I can't find any phones that specifically state they are "bluetooth enabled" on any of major carrier web site (Sprint, Verizon, Cingular, etc.).

iSync comes out in less than a month, so where are these bluetooth enabled phones? or am I missing something?
Voice Stream(T-Mobile), AT&T in select areas, and Cingular in Southern California, North Carolina/East TN, and South Carolina are the only carrriers that offer GSM service. Currently only Ericsson has bluetooth enabled phones. These phones only operate on the GSM system. Ericsson makes 3 or 4 bluetooth enabled phones. The most known are the T68 and T68i phones. I hope to get one pretty soon with VoiceStream. They have great customer service.

From what I understand you can also get Bluetooth phone adapters to enable connectivity with your mac.... I hope to do this with my Ericsson T60d and the D-link adapter from Apple. Is this correct? Does anyone know if I can do the iSync thing like this?

Yes, I've investigated the same on my ericsson T28 World phone. However the price for the adapter is the same as the price for a new phone with service.....$200+