where is dvd player?


I just put in a dvd-rom drive (internal ata), but dvd player doesn t seem to be installed (OSX.1). where is it? do you think it s not there because the installer found no attached dvd drives when i installed it initially? under OS9, when i did this, i just downloaded the dvd player, but i can find nothing like that for X. not dvd player app. anyone know how i can get the dvd player installed? is reinstalling X sufficient to bring it here? if so, is that my only option?

just FYI, system profiler sees the drive just fine under X, and i can read DVD disks. it s just the player app that is lacking

I'll bet you do not have AGP graphics. The 10.1 installer
will not install nor will the DVD player support non-AGP.

I'm in the same boat as you. I have a Lombard and no DVD
unless I boot into OS9. What BS.
This is one of the reasons I dont use OS X as my primary OS

( well that and no SCSI support, no SCSI external CD-R, no DVD, No greek :p)

i do indeed have AGP. it s a QS. it just didn t have a DVD drive until two days ago. i copied the OSX dvd player from one of the other macs in the building, and it works fine. also, my SCSI drive works just fine with OSX. there is definitely SCSI support, although it s probably true that there are no third party drivers for SCSI CD-Rs. but my SCSI HD works great. better than under OS9. under OS9 i have to work to get my SCSI drive mounted, and it only works half the time. under OSX it works everytime, and i didn t even have to install the driver.
I have a third party SCSI card. Apple's SCSI cards will work with OS X but not third party. I have been on Orange Micros derriere about this and they said Xmas they would have drivers. I sincerelly hope so or they will be hearing more from me :p
oh yeah just great so any suggestions then on what can be done to have the dvd player installed when there is no agp. i'm trying to use 9 less but it seems anymore 10 was a waste to get if i have to keep going back to 9 to just watch a simple dvd. i have never had complaints at apple til this you think they would have thought about those of us still with a b&w g3.
the DVD player does play on PCI video cards, at least an ATI XClaim VR 128, but I can make no claim as to what the installer detects. I suspect that some additional support for DVD stuff will come in the future, as the DVD player currently out is ... not exactly robust or featureful. Although it does play and drag around real nice. :-/
well it would be nice if you could say what exactly you wanted installed then besides the bsd. i'm sure there are some things that are additional in 10 that wouldn't be necessary for others.