Where is the HELP key on iBook ?


I'm really sorry for asking such a lame question, but where are the HELP and INSERT keys on iBook (I bought it in year 2000) ?
There is no insert key for the ibook and AFAIK any other apple comp. And about the help key. Where is a help-key on windoze boxes? Or are you talking about the F1 key? If so, than try "apple+?"
OK for the INSERT key, but I've seen an HELP key on recent Macintoshes keyboards. Can someone help me to find it on my iBook's keyboard ?
PowerBook and iBook keyboards do not offer the same features as Apple's pro keyboard. You give up some thing to be portable.
Well as I said: use apple+? for help. And I don't see any point in having an insert key, since there is no "overwrite" key...
@Zammy-Sam : I need an HELP or INSERT key for a special software that do not exactly respect the Mac look'n feel.
Does Shift-Apple(Cmd)-? work to access help?

Macs perform insert by default, no need for a separate insert key, if you need a keyboard that has a specific help key (why not just click on help menu?), then you'll need to add an external keyboard that actually has one.
And this special software would be...

Mac portables do have the "fn" (function) key, I wonder if there's any key that has "help" written on it in light lettering that might work with the fn key?
There's no labeled help key on a powerbook keyboard. And, that's assuming that this mystery app would accept an Apple-coded hardware help key in any case (If it's that poorly programmed, why expect any special keys to respond?) And would be nice to know what this special app is (and why 'help' is desperately needed!)