Where to buy OS 10.4 for 2003 eMac


I mean the least expensive place, while still getting the real, genuine deal. This machine has some corruption problems on the 9.2 side, but I suspect that can be repaired by a service outlet and Tiger installed right on top of the 10.3.9 currently running. Here's the machine:

Machine Model: eMac
CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (3.3)
Number Of CPUs: 1
CPU Speed: 1 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU): 256 KB
Memory: 1 GB
Bus Speed: 133 MHz
Boot ROM Version: 4.6.4f1

Suggestions appreciated.


I mean the least expensive place, while still getting the real, genuine deal. ...
Just to be clear. You do not need a computer-specific version of MacOS X 10.4. There is none that will boot your computer. You need a retail version of MacOS X 10.4.
I threw in the stats for overkill sake. Where would you suggest I go for the least expensive retail version of 10.4?

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OK, one more time--I am offering my complete set of machine specific OS 10.4 disk for 1 Ghz or faster eMacs for FREE. Just contact me so I know where to send them. I will even throw in a copy of the eMac Users Guide. If you want these let me know. Ralph
Nonsense. Only System Restore discs are model-specific. If you have a System Restore disc based on MacOS X 10.4, then it is very unlikely to boot the OP's computer. The eMac is not a computer model, it is a family of Macs. The OP's specific model of eMac is older than yours. There is no reason to believe that your System Restore disc will boot his computer.
All I know is it booted my eMac and installed on it. The printing on the cd's read
Mac Install Disk 1
Mac Install Disk 2
OS version 10.4 2Z691-5518-A and 2Z691-5493-A
These are gray machine specific disk and come in an envelope with a part # PD06302005 (2Z603-7654-A) eMac Media Multilingual
This software booted my eMac and installed OS 10.4 without problem. Ralph
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Well I'm pretty sure that eMac model only came with 10.3.9, so I do not think those 10.4 system specific discs will work.
I don't know either. When I purchased them I was told they would work on any eMac with a 1 Ghz or better CPU and not with those with slower CPU's. It worked on mine beyond that I don't know. Everyone have a nice day. Ralph
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All I know is it booted my eMac and installed on it. The printing on the cd's read
Mac Install Disk 1
Mac Install Disk 2
OS version 10.4 2Z691-5518-A and 2Z691-5493-A
These are gray machine specific disk and come in an envelope with a part # PD06302005 (2Z603-7654-A) eMac Media Multilingual
This software booted my eMac and installed OS 10.4 without problem. Ralph
Those are System Restore discs for a specific model eMac. Because the OP likely has a different model eMac, your System Restore discs are likely to be only coasters in his machine. However, any retail version of MacOS X 10.4 DVD will boot OP's machine just fine. Also, he won't have to worry about the motives of someone who is so anxious to "give" him something.
I will sell you my full retail version Mac OS X 10.4 DVD, including the Mac OS X 10.4 Missing Manual book at no extra charge, for $50 plus the cost of actual postage.

*my motive is to make money by selling something I no longer need.;)
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Those are System Restore discs for a specific model eMac. Because the OP likely has a different model eMac, your System Restore discs are likely to be only coasters in his machine. However, any retail version of MacOS X 10.4 DVD will boot OP's machine just fine. Also, he won't have to worry about the motives of someone who is so anxious to "give" him something.
My only "motive" is to try and help my fellow man. I rebuild and "give" computers to children who can't afford them on a regular basis. If this is the reaction to my attempts to save someone money by giving them something I no longer need I will pass on this forum. I have enjoyed it--now not so much. Ralph
PMs work.

If someone does not accept an offer they do not accept an offer.

No reason to become histrionic.

I don't know about you, Doctor X, but if my integrity was publicly questioned
in a similar fashion, I myself would damn sure respond in public.

As far as histrionics go, someone threatening to leave the forum over a non-issue
is kinda funny...........:)
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I don't know about you, Doctor X, but if my integrity was publicly questioned
in a similar fashion, I myself would damn sure respond in public.

As far as histrionics go, someone threatening to leave the forum over a non-issue
is kinda funny...........:)

Thanks for the kind words g/re/p. You are correct of course about my being a little over the top but I was angry. Its morning now and I'm still here but will probably carefully review future postings. Ralph
Hi; Since I collect over more then 3 years these sets; I can confirm that this set with the printed code 2Z691-5518-A indeed can install on any eMac.
There are only 2 Modell-Indintifiers of the eMac: the PowerMac4,4 and PowerMac6,4. Both Macs will install from this set.
This set howeven can not be installed on any other Mac.
The second DVD belonging to this set (with iLife) can be: 2Z691-5493-A
Greetings from the Netherlands; macfan55
For anyone still interested, I have just ordered a set of OS 10.4.3 discs from Operator Headgap Systems in Memphis, TN. They include updates to 10.4.11 and the nice lady is throwing in a copy of 9.2.2 to install over the OS on this machine that's so corrupt. She's very knowledgeable and friendly and the price is right. Thanks to all th posters and the generous offer, but this deal is what I was originally posting for. Comments welcome. -ciao