Where to get Windows XP Home SP2 cheaply?


I hope this is the appropriate forum for this... I am a Mac person and I have to run IE 7. I plan on using either Bootcamp or Parallels. But I need a Windows XP Home SP2 CD. And I am astonished by the prices given that Vista is out! Is there a legitimate place to get Windows XP Home SP2 that I am missing? I tried: Frys, Costco (do not have it), Target, Froggle, etc. Thanks!
Thanks Bob but I am afraid I am confused. All I need is a basic copy of XP to run IE 7... does that mean I should get an OED copy for $119? If so, is there a reason why Vista Home Basic is $30 cheaper? Sorry if these questions are more appropriate for a Windows forum/list but I am confused by the XP and Vista distribution and acronym system. Thanks for any help to my cluelessness.
Home Basic for $30.00 less is just an upgrade, not the full system.

Do some searching to see if you can find better prices.
Windows is expensive if you want to stay legal. My friend connects to his work's terminal server, using the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client for Mac whenever he needs windows or IE specific functions.